it seems to going painfully slowly.

Not at all. Let them get this 6th floor done (and get it done right) and then it should rise rapidly (I'm guessing one new level every 7.5 days like Murano.)

And yes the brick is fantastic. A friend remarked that it is much like the brick on the Four Season's Centre. The colour can change dramatically depending on the quality of light throughout the day.
Your're right, Casaguy. Now that all the unique structure required in the podium is done, and once they develop all the forms and systems they need for the "cookie cutter" floors of the tower, it should rise pretty quickly. I, too, am expecting around one floor per week.
taken today:



Casa crane from above, plus Uptown, BSN & two others in the distance


Here's a rough mock-up for owners on the north end.

It seems a little out of whack, but based on where the elevator/stairwell shaft is this should be about right taking into account the perspective.

And judging by where the rebar is sticking up in long lengths for the pillars, I think it's safe to say that the balconies will indeed be five feet deep.

I'm curious as to why part of the floor is raised. (You can see the slant down on the wood and rebar). The portions of the 3 highlighted suites that are not yet covered in concrete is pretty much where the kitchen/laundry/bathrooms would go. I'm assuming plumbing pipes would be under here...?
those poor workers slaving away in the oppressive heat while Ive been swimming at the beach...

I am not sure about the difference in floor heights here. I have noticed in my apartment that the floors slope gently towards the outside walls (because a cabinet with sliding doors would never stay shut) I assumed it was incase a sink or tub overflowed or is the sprinkler system went off, the water would run to the outsides of the building.
At the "open house" to kick of the finish selections last month, representative from both the builder and the architect assured me that the balconies would be 5 feet wide.

Did anyone who went to that open house ask if the undersides of the balconies were going to be painted? I'm hoping so since that's all you're going to see as you look up at the tower...
^I can! I am a master at organizing small spaces efficiently. I'd just have to rip out everything in the place (kitchen, bathroom, closets, etc) and start over. My concept: coming within the next decade to a condo development.... shh....
