Great progress. The frames are being erected for the 4 floor high wall of glass. Looks permanent. I'd prefer it they were frameless too, but I'm not sure of the structural issues with this.



The stairs to the 2nd level of the lobby are being constructed.


Looks like the rim of Casa's hat definitely hangs over.

The frames are being erected for the 4 floor high wall of glass. Looks permanent. I'd prefer it they were frameless too, but I'm not sure of the structural issues with this.

"Frameless" glass could have been done, but would have been very cost prohibitive - especially for a condo. That being said, I think the lobby is going to be easily one of the best of any residential building in the city!
"Frameless" glass could have been done, but would have been very cost prohibitive - especially for a condo. That being said, I think the lobby is going to be easily one of the best of any residential building in the city!

I agree. This lobby could be excellent, if not exceptional.

This treatment, along with others that put suites out in front, should calm those in the city who are concerned about above ground parking.
Wow lots of progress here since yesterday morning.
The brickwork is complete on the east side, and the west side also looks complete but the scaffolding on the west side hasn't been taken down yet (as of yesterday).
"Frameless" glass could have been done, but would have been very cost prohibitive - especially for a condo. That being said, I think the lobby is going to be easily one of the best of any residential building in the city!

I agree. I'm rot really complaining, just surprised because I was expecting frameless. That said, the geometric pattern and that grey color could wind up looking spectacular. What a great building.
I assumed that the grey colour was just primer as some sections of the framing are showing through rust. Either way they'll need to do some retouching or perhaps there is a finish cladding that will install over the frames...
July 22-09

BA's frameless lobby window walls look sensational, but I think Casa's Charles Street lobby window wall will succeed just as well. It will still invite the passer-by to observe the activity within in a very open manner. Further, it appears to hold true to the rendering.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Lobby glass framing going up -

East, west and south brick laying mostly complete (that style of brick seems to be quite popular lately) -

Wow, the east side of the building looks great. I like the vertical aspect of it when contrasted against the balconies above.
Wow, the east side of the building looks great. I like the vertical aspect of it when contrasted against the balconies above.

Yes, the strong vertical/horizontal contrast has been part of The Great Man's design vocabulary for some time - the vertical slashes of window on the brick podium at Woodsworth compared to the horizontals on the tower, for instance, or the vertical windows on the podium at Spire compared to the balconies on the tower. Or the contrast between Casa's wraparound veil of stacked glass-fronted balconies and the sleek verticality of the glass-clad tower itself - perhaps the ultimate expression of the form: light, strong, minimal.
"Frameless" glass could have been done, but would have been very cost prohibitive - especially for a condo. That being said, I think the lobby is going to be easily one of the best of any residential building in the city!
Couldn't they hang the glass along the outer face of the frames, thereby still achieving a frameless look? I don't see any anchor points though.

Wow, the east side of the building looks great.
Wish the Four Seasons Centre looked this good.
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I really hope Casa builds the hat like in the drawing. It would definitely add a splash of class to the building, especially if it lights up at night. Toronto needs more signature buildings like this one.

Do you think they'll be condo rentals in this building? I imagine the rents would be high though!
Patriot, do you not see the forms up on top of the structure to build the 'hat' now?

