I received a confirmed closing date of Feb 4th today (upper floors). Is that a date I can count on or can it change?

Except for the lobby, very top of the building and landscaping most of the exterior work is complete leaving inside trades to do their job. It's just my opinion but Feb. 4th sounds very doable.
Standing tall:

The much maligned pool:

A view of the top:

Peeking over the edge:

On a ladder:
thanks greenleaf for all the pics from Y+B! I still cant believe how thin that slab is for the hat on Casa. It looks like it might break under the weigh of wet snow...
Great shots today Greenleaf, the Casa & X shots are particularly interesting. I hope that fellow wasn't standing on a ladder near the edge of the 2rd from top floor today during those high winds!
I just received a confirmed closing of December 7th. Your floor must be in the 40s?

Not much of a push back considering the date given in the previous letter a few months ago said December 1st.
I've received a similar "Confirmed Closing Date".

So now, does "confirmed" really mean "confirmed" or can they move it yet again?
My guess and this is just my assumption would be that they are now in a position to make a very accurate judgment as to exactly when they can move each floor in. I would think they would try very hard to keep on schedule with these dates. Of course there is always the possibility of some unforeseen delay. However given in my example being on the 10th floor the fact that my unit has been complete for some time now. The only reason for them to not stick to the occupancy date is if the lobby is incomplete, I think that is the key.
I've received a similar "Confirmed Closing Date".

So now, does "confirmed" really mean "confirmed" or can they move it yet again?

It can still be moved again, your lawyer will be advised prior to 90 days for your confirmed occupancy/closing date. Things may have changed since I last bought into a new building, but that's how it used to be. All that said we've been watching the progress of Casa pretty closely and it looks like they'll meet those dates with ease barring unforeseen circumstances.
closing date

I've received a similar "Confirmed Closing Date".

So now, does "confirmed" really mean "confirmed" or can they move it yet again?

The closing date is when we officially have ownership. I suppose we will actually be moving in before that date and paying rent for a while, right?
The closing date is when we officially have ownership. I suppose we will actually be moving in before that date and paying rent for a while, right?

My understanding is that they changed something a number of years ago and that closing means occupancy and then they have what's called a "registration" date. That's what someone at the CASA office told me awhile ago.

I drove past the site yesterday and there was a worker there filling in the concrete wall of the lobby in prep for whatever is going to be slapped on there. They had also applied some sort of adhesive material to the outer frame of the lobby in prep for the glass. I don't know if you guys noticed as well in the recent pics but they have also got the balcony dividers installed on the first 15 or so floors.
I don't know if you guys noticed as well in the recent pics but they have also got the balcony dividers installed on the first 15 or so floors.

thanks for pointing that out dventura ... from the looks of it, those balcony dividers are of the 'frosted glass' type, and it looks to be only about 6 feet tall

so much for balcony privacy ~ :rolleyes:

thanks for pointing that out dventura ... from the looks of it, those balcony dividers are of the 'frosted glass' type, and it looks to be only about 6 feet tall

so much for balcony privacy ~ :rolleyes:

I mentioned the balcony dividers on the previous page. They look good from below but don't provide a great deal of privacy, however those seem to be the standard now days so no real surprise there.
Sunrise, Sept 1st

Casaguy, I hit the roof as soon as the sun peeked above the eastern horizon but missed the money-shot. I'll try again soon.

From above, 6am Sept. 1

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

