Doesn't that go against what you are asking for? What makes a 90 storey Absolute copy different from a 62 storey Casa copy?

I just used Absolute as an example, considering I was calling for 90 storeys vs the current 56. Does Toronto have a 90 storey building today or in the production line??

One only has to go back and pull out the top 25 from all the plans that were submitted for Absolute contest and they would have a major impact on Toronto skyline as well looks. Mississauga needs to used some of those designs also.

Casa does not rank that high on my charts in the first place.
There is no comparison there are no other buildings like Absolute in the GTA. Where as we have dozens of glass boxes like Casa, the only difference is this one will be taller than most.

There's no comparing Casa to the average glass condo tower in Toronto, it's clearly a cut above 90% of what else is out there.
It'd be lovely to see the building pictured rise above our city and tease its older, shorter brother for being the 'runt' of the litter, but I do wonder whether this drawing represents what is actually being planned.

Also, vegeta, though I will forever defend your right to elementary armchair architectural criticism, it might be wise to ensure that buildings you praise aren't by architects you deride (Four Seasons is of aA authorship).
Also, vegeta, though I will forever defend your right to elementary armchair architectural criticism, it might be wise to ensure that buildings you praise aren't by architects you deride (Four Seasons is of aA authorship).

Well, well, well I'll be damned. I was under the impression it was a P+S project, My apologies I'll give credit where its due, that does change my opinion of aA somewhat.

Also, yes I'm not an architect by trade and neither is 99% of the population. That does not mean we can't have an appreciation for architecture. But is it really asking too much for a little creativity in a building? Personally I just don't find a building like Casa to be all that inspiring, not when theres little variation between it and 50 others downtown. I'm not asking for Dubai tackiness here. But can anyone(other than UD of course) honestly say that something along the lines of a Ritz, L tower, One st. Thomas, Shangri-La, ICE, or Absolute would not have been better here?
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Personally I just don't find a building like Casa to be all that inspiring, not when theres little variation between it and 50 others downtown. I'm not asking for Dubai tackiness here. But can anyone(other than UD of course) honestly say that something along the lines of a Ritz, L tower, One st. Thomas, Shangri-La, ICE, or Absolute would not have been better here?

Whether you like the building or not, a casual armchair architectural observer can tell you that Casa does not come close to 50 others like it downtown. If it resembles even one other condo downtown I can't think of it.
I find the Casa tower to be more pleasing than the green-glass-horror Ritz plus FYI, ICE and L Tower ("I" Tower) don't exist yet except in render-porn.
Whether you like the building or not, a casual armchair architectural observer can tell you that Casa does not come close to 50 others like it downtown. If it resembles even one other condo downtown I can't think of it.
I find the Casa tower to be more pleasing than the green-glass-horror Ritz plus FYI, ICE and L Tower ("I" Tower) don't exist yet except in render-porn.

Yes I'm judging ICE & L based off the renders. I'm hopeful that there won't be any significant design changes but if indeed there is my opinion of them may change accordingly.

As for Casa... the podium is quite elegant, I’ve acknowledged as much. I know many people appreciate the lack of spandrels and the none-green glass. However its not the only none-green glass box going up and there are also others that have limited the use of spandrels. Would that be the norm? I suppose not and so I would agree that Casa is of a better quality than your average glass box.
But Wrap around balconies and being able to see clearly into the building are not design features that I find eye catching. Nor am I a fan of the oversized hat. Ultimately I feel its constrained by its form. Which is why I would take the Ritz and its out of the box design over Casa despite the green glass. I simply value the form and massing of a building more than the tone of its glass.

But that's just personal preference and I understand that you don't agree.

And of course, you knew that ICE is by that architectural firm you despise, aA?

I noted ICE as being one design of theirs that I do favor. I suppose I should clarify, I don't actually despise aA, that's rather strong language. I know they're capable of quality architecture. But their standards have been slipping for a while now, reputation can only last so long.
As much as I like Casa, and other stuff aA has done, they need a refill on the creativity juice badly for any future projects they do in the city.
Yes I'm judging ICE & L based off the renders. I'm hopeful that there won't be any significant design changes but if indeed there is my opinion of them may change accordingly.

Or use cheap materials, which is what can often be so disappointing.

As for Casa... the podium is quite elegant, I’ve acknowledged as much. I know many people appreciate the lack of spandrels and the none-green glass. However its not the only none-green glass box going up and there are also others that have limited the use of spandrels. Would that be the norm? I suppose not and so I would agree that Casa is of a better quality than your average glass box.
But Wrap around balconies and being able to see clearly into the building are not design features that I find eye catching. Nor am I a fan of the oversized hat. Ultimately I feel its constrained by its form. Which is why I would take the Ritz and its out of the box design over Casa despite the green glass. I simply value the form and massing of a building more than the tone of its glass.

But that's just personal preference and I understand that you don't agree.

I think you make a good point about massing and form, but that can also be in the eye of the beholder.
The baby blue glass is refreshing on Casa and the wrap around balconies are somewhat unique. If you notice, under most lighting conditions the slight reflectiveness of the balcony glass helps to hide balcony furniture/stored items and the wrap around balcony glass also provides a barrier to hide blinds/curtains to a great extent giving the tower portion a very clean look.
I'm not a huge fan of the lighting under the hat, a line of LED's wrapped along the underside may have provided more uniform light plus it's only a matter of time before the lights start burning out creating an even more uneven look (see Murano, RoCP etc.).
Why is Charles Street West so much better than Charles Street East?

Except for passing by One St. Thomas and as one approaches Queen's Park Cresc., I find Charles East more interesting now. Charles West has lost much of it's charm in the past 5-7 years as buildings were demolished in favor of million dollar condos.
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As much as I like Casa, and other stuff aA has done, they need a refill on the creativity juice badly for any future projects they do in the city.

I'm in the same boat as you. I admire a lot of aA's work, but to use the same old design with minor differences in their new proposals is a bit worrisome. It's time to remind the architects and developers that they're not just condo-building, they're city-building.
Except for passing by One St. Thomas and as one approaches Queen's Park Cresc., I find Charles East more interesting now. Charles West has lost much of it's charm in the past 5-7 years as buildings were demolished in favor of million dollar condos.

Yes..and Charles west is still littered with beaten up looking rentals and of course the horrific Manulife center brooding over. Actually, Charles west between Yonge and Bay is a mess! Charles west starts to get better west of Bay with a couple upscale condos and then you are into UofT territory which is lower rise. But yes, the Charles East is where the action is!
I really wish with these comments on a buildings design that you would focus more on who the developer is, and if you really don't like the design to get on the developer's case. I may be biased because I work for an architecture firm but the initial design presented to the client(developer) are always more interesting then what is built. The client(developer) asks for changes or balks at the cost of a particular feature after it is tendered and it's gone from the design. If you don't like the design of CASA or feel they went cheap on the material it is mainly Cresford's fault not the architect. Again I may be biased but every project I have seen gets changed due to the client. I really feel the developer gets off easy, they can sit back and let the architect take the blame for their decisions.
