The results speak for themselves and if you're unable to see it maybe you just need to look a little closer.

Perhaps it has more to do with us being individuals? Is it not natural that people would have diverging opinions on what makes a buildings stand out? But feel free to continue preaching from your chair oh high and mighty one, because clearly you know whats best for all.

if its the clothes that make the building, and believe me, it surely is, then it seems pretty obvious that aA have the best fashion sense in the city.

What a cliche and a tired one at that. I would agree aA is superior to most when it comes to implementing subtle details. No ones criticizing them for that, but people don't just ignore the figure underneath.

yet the buildings which have a lasting impact on the city are those which focus on the details, not the shape.

Why don't we have a poll and find out just which buildings truly have made a lasting impression on the majority? I'm sure you'd be surprised at the results. But, undoubtedly you'd write them off since they would not conform to you own supposedly superior standards.

i'm usually not optimistic about new/young posters, and this is no exception...

Because you expect everyone conform to your own personal tastes and failure to do so will lead to these kinds of disparaging remarks. You have a knack for introducing personal attacks into threads don't you? Well, congratulations for being so welcoming :)
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Perhaps it has more to do with us being individuals? It is not natural that people would have diverging opinions on what makes a buildings stand out? But feel free to continue preaching from your chair oh high and mighty one, because clearly you know whats best for all.

What a cliche and a tired one at that. I would agree aA is superior to most when it comes to implementing subtle details. No ones criticizing them for that, but people don't just ignore the figure underneath.

Why don't we have a poll and find out just which buildings truly have made a lasting impression on the majority? I'm sure you'd be surprised at the results. But, undoubtedly you'd write them off since they would not conform to you own supposedly superior standards.

Because you expect everyone conform to your own personal tastes and failure to do so will lead to these kinds of disparaging remarks. You have a knack for introducing personal attacks into threads don't you? Well, congratulations for being so welcoming :)

Well we already did that in the Top 10 of the Decade thread and it's no surprise that not a single poster didn't include an aA building on their list. What's more, many people listed multiple buildings by the firm, some even giving them a majority.

You see Vegeta, they're not my 'superior' standards, they're the standards set by many on UT and many more in the city. It also seems as though you're singling the firm out for 'ignoring' the figure (read: shape) of their buildings, but I can't think of too many other architects/developers that are creating more spectacular structures. And if 40 Scott or Aura or some crap are the first things which come to your mind then don't even bother responding since I've already sunk your battleship.

It's also somewhat comical that you still don't seem to know what a 'personal attack' is. In that vein, I don't make any attempt to roll out the red carpet for new members since I feel that UT's unwritten 'prove yourself' philosophy works quite well.
Oh its pretty clear what you were insinuating by that comment ProjectEnd, which singled out a specific forum member.

And if 40 Scott or Aura or some crap are the first things which come to your mind then don't even bother responding since I've already sunk your battleship.

Sunk my battleship? :rolleyes:
Your a bundle of cliches aren't you? You would of done well as an athlete. But try being more creative next time. For instance 'derailed my train' would of been far more suitable and perhaps I may have even been taken aback.

Now why would I refer to any building that is not even close to being the finished product yet? It would be completely nonsensical to compare a finished building to one that isn't even a hole in the ground. If you want a list of buildings that I would take over the Casa's, Murano's, NXT's, Clear Spirit's and Market Wharf's, no problem. Pertinent examples would be; Shangri-La, Telus, Absolute World, The Met, Minto Midown, One St. Thomas, One Bedford, WHC, Lumiere, Panorama and the Florian. That doesn't mean I see those buildings as being completely flawless or undeserving of some criticism. But imo, they are superior overall to your average aA building.

I am not saying that aA is a crap firm. Notice I didn't mention the Four Seasons or X in the above comparison? That's because I would completely agree that they also serve as great example's of what we should strive for. Likewise I am looking forward to their ICE project (with the exception of that exceedingly bland office building that is to accompany them in the future).

Obviously aA is capable of creating a quality product. The issue at hand is the repetitiveness of their designs. You may appreciate those subtle differences and feel that aA is still second to none. And we all know that nothing will stop you from continuing to worship the glass boxes that they stand on. But you clearly have failed to notice that the majority of forum members no longer agree with you. Simply put, we are growing tired of aA's current cut and paste, with a touch of photo-shopping, regime.
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Vegeta, you have no idea what the majority of forum members agree on. No-one does. Speaking, in bold especially, on behalf of people who have not asked you do to so, is a mistake.
I for one appreciate what Vegeta has to say. I am so sick of certain pretentious forum members writing off any opinion that differs from their own. What a bunch of crap. Every single thread. Its people like that who make this forum such a foul place. What a shame.

Get this through your head: Everybody has their own damn opinion and it is worth just as much as your own.

The funny thing is that its like arguing with Ford. No matter what you say he thinks he's always right, and so do these forum members who ironically despise the man. You've got more in common then you think.
Vegeta, you have no idea what the majority of forum members agree on. No-one does. Speaking, in bold especially, on behalf of people who have not asked you do to so, is a mistake.

Yes, of course your right 42. I don't know what the majority of forum members agree on. I only know, as do we all, what the majority of forum members who have voiced their option on the matter believe.

Taking a look back through the thread here is a list of those who have expressed some degree of reservation with regards to either this project in particular or aA in general (this is since we found out what the building will actually look like);

Big Daddy

Here is a list of those who have viewed this project and/or aA positively in this thread during the same period;

Urban Shocker

Both positive and negative views on either this project or aA have been expressed by;

Automation Gallery

All for it; 10
Some degree of concern; 21

I apologize if I have misinterpreted anyones remarks or position on the matter, or if your opinion has since changed.

My point is, there is a clear majority here.

Naturally I consider everyone’s opinion equally. Or am I wrong? Does anyone believe that we should give more weight to those who feel they are more knowledgeable on such matters?
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^ Put me in the negative column - aA's recent designs have not impressed me. They're phoning it in.
I guess i'd also be in the negativie column if i had to choose. i just wish builders would encourage more creativity out of their architects. must be tough on aa to be unique though since theyre designing basically everybuilding in the area it seems like.
Architects rarely design condo buildings in Toronto; their clients do.

That being said, it's the details that make a project work. aA is all in the details.

Cresford is a very cautious, conservative developer, that thankfully likes using a quality architect these past 5 years. But Cresford is being cautious here with their bottom line.
seems like urbandramer is just saying that clients have input in design as well. not sure i totally agree in all instances but regardless the architect should feel compelled to pushback for iconic buildings such as this one if the developer's vision is substandard (as is the case here imho).
As this boom begins to slow (IMO) I'd like to see more design competitions, which should have happened years ago with progressive developers. Set the bar high, and then raise it.
