Sept 18

Crane is up.

can't wait and see how closely this site will follow the schedule with the planned completion date (sometime in 2010?) seeing that this is Henderson Group's first TO project
oh shoot, I didn't notice it was the 54 bus. I was just trying to give back some love to the borough I grew up in.
It's ok to love something you moved downtown to get away from? right?

Back on topic I always thought its a shame that they build the scarborough condo towers circling a mall instead of along streets.. oh well, what can you do?
Might as well circle the malls with condos. I'm sure you'll see results from the Avenues policy eventually too: many of Scarborough's arterials will be rejuvenated in time.

oh shoot, I didn't notice it was the 54 bus. I was just trying to give back some love to the borough I grew up in.
It's ok to love something you moved downtown to get away from? right?

Back on topic I always thought its a shame that they build the scarborough condo towers circling a mall instead of along streets.. oh well, what can you do?

It's ok to love where you grew up, no matter where it is. I love Scarborough too, for the most part, but I'm not going to hesitate once I have saved up enough to move elsewhere.

My issue with the location of these towers is not that they are circling the mall, but after these are built and the rest of Monarch's buildings (EQ's and Red), then that would make 7 condo towers within a 1-minute walk of the RT station. That's 7 key sites that could have been reserved for any potential office buildings. I know there is not much of a market now for employment lands in STC, but that doesn't mean all the redevelopment sites close to rapid transit stations should be residential (Gibson Square in NYCC is another example). STC has an advantage over NYCC in that there are still quite a few empty sites (around McCowan Station and either side of Brimley) that could have office buildings in the future.

All the new retail north of the mall is the worst development around STC in the last 15 years. Not that STC had much of a chance when they only built infrastructure dedicated to cars, not people
It would take a bit more than subtle Avenues policy to create urban streets lined with condos in'd take the hand of god (or just get some bulldozers and go all West Bank on the area...bye bye Best Buy!). Spots like stretches of Eglinton and Agincourt have infinitely more urban potential. Since the powers that be are obsessed with keeping the RT, STC should keep developing its 70s sci-fi feel with more oppressive skyscrapers, bridges and tunnels, shopping concourses instead of street retail, etc.

At the rate condos are filling up all the remaining plots, I'm wondering if there will ever be room for a large library in STC...such a facility should be located very close to the RT station. Perhaps I'll email some councillors and see what's up with sites like immediately east of the federal building or the SE corner of Brimley & Progress.
At the rate condos are filling up all the remaining plots, I'm wondering if there will ever be room for a large library in STC...such a facility should be located very close to the RT station. Perhaps I'll email some councillors and see what's up with sites like immediately east of the federal building or the SE corner of Brimley & Progress.

I think the plot of land between McCowan RT station and Consilium Place also has potential. It would make McCowan station more than just a "kiss-n-ride" station.
My issue with the location of these towers is not that they are circling the mall, but after these are built and the rest of Monarch's buildings (EQ's and Red), then that would make 7 condo towers within a 1-minute walk of the RT station. That's 7 key sites that could have been reserved for any potential office buildings. I know there is not much of a market now for employment lands in STC, but that doesn't mean all the redevelopment sites close to rapid transit stations should be residential (Gibson Square in NYCC is another example). STC has an advantage over NYCC in that there are still quite a few empty sites (around McCowan Station and either side of Brimley) that could have office buildings in the future.

This is definitely one of those trends I really hate. Employment lands, including spaces for office towers require a longer time to capture and build for. It is much easier for a developer to take a piece of land and develop it into residential or commercial when the market can be captured. Lets hope the rest of the lands in STC designated for office use be realized. I do think however the Centro site is perfect for residential though, its not fronting onto any major arterials, and is surrounded by woodlots.

At the rate condos are filling up all the remaining plots, I'm wondering if there will ever be room for a large library in STC...such a facility should be located very close to the RT station. Perhaps I'll email some councillors and see what's up with sites like immediately east of the federal building or the SE corner of Brimley & Progress.

...having said that, ditto on the library! A district library in STC, be it east of the federal building (and beside the YMCA), SE of Brimley & Progress or between Consilium and Progress would be great.
I think the "employment lands" around SCC can also be used for education. Perhaps existing higher education institutions in Scarborough (Centennial College or UTSC) should build some buildings in SCC, which would save some of their students a bus ride from Scarborough Centre to get to school.
...having said that, ditto on the library! A district library in STC, be it east of the federal building (and beside the YMCA), SE of Brimley & Progress or between Consilium and Progress would be great.

There's potential for a central library also on lands immediately south of RED, east of the Civic Centre (northwest corner of Town Centre Court & Borough Drive) ... but keep it mind though the zoning there allows another 30+ storeys condo tower
