Confusing numbers...

I'm not sure where you are getting your numbers from and the comment above from Solaris about "better product" and "better finishes" - I guess that would be a matter of opinion, they are at the least equal in offerings for the units themselves, but in terms of amenities and the fees, Centro was the better offer.

I purchased an OAK unit at Centro = 1 + Den = 624 ft plus 46 ft balcony - I am on the 33rd floor and my price was finalized at 202K

Having gone to every condo development in the SCC area as well as the Don Mills area, when we were reviewing our options, Centro was very reasonable in price, great location, amenities, condo fees, etc.

I guess it is a matter of knowing how to ask for what you want, I know people who I went to Rye High with, who purchased equal sized condos at EQ1/2 at 225/230K and they have far less included and very few amenities.

On another note: I know that Urban Toronto forums are not going to be someones final deciding factor to purchase or not, but given that I and alot of other people are now heavily invested in the Centro development and are dependent on its success in selling well/quickly - it would be appreciated if negative comments about it were at least substantiated in some way with actual links to evidence/facts to back up these opinions, though just opinions they may be.
“I purchased an OAK unit at Centro = 1 + Den = 624 ft plus 46 ft balcony - I am on the 33rd floor and my price was finalized at 202K”

I want to F.......
The same unit(OAK)....They sell 240K now......
I was thought 220K is reasonable price.........

That's ............20%.........

Would you please let me know when you purchased that unit?

Also..may I's the north building or south building?

Edit again...Last question....the price includes (parking and locker) or (parking only) or nothing?
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congradulations on your condo purchase FirstTimeCondoBuyer, thats a great price for a unit that size/height ... which tower are u in ? (side question, how do you get a 33rd floor unit in a 31 storey bldg?)

in no disrespect to you as a owner (I appreciate you defending your 'turf' as I would too), my beef with Centro is the limited interior material choices available (I think there is only 3 colour packages in which 2 are similar in schemes to choose from), and I don't like how the windows are smaller than a typical with window sills at 2'6" or 3' which is pretty high

At one point I was considering a northeast facing PH unit at EQ1 and loved that layout, I agree though typical suites wise Monarch's floorplans were not any better than Henderson's
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More details...

We bought our unit June 2008 - not to long after the second tower first went on sale I think.

It was at $207/14K I believe but my wife is a mortgage broker and past realtor and we talked our way down in price to 202K- at that time they were still trying to get people interested in the second tower (it was initially planned as a 1 tower development with future options for a second but the first tower sold out in presales before ground breaking occured).

I am no longer at home so I don't have my purchase agreement in front of me but I believe we are in the South Tower - the one closest to Borough Drive and the forest (not the one close to the office building).

In regards to floors it says OAK - Level 33 - Unit 3302

I agree that only 3 options for materials/colours was limiting and 2 looked very similar (website view is hard to makeout but in person you see the differences) but the Sage option was great for us.

Layout was also a bonus, for us, having the W/D in a closed door area inside a closed door room such as the den (which it is in the OAK) was an important floor plan requirement - we had a hard time finding this anywhere (the W/D door opening towards the front door in the main hallway - which lots of developers seem to love doing in 1+den layouts was less then ideal).

Like Solaris points out, one thing we noticed is that almost all developments in the GTA, when considering a 1+den were very similar in layout, options, amenities, etc - very cookie cutter kind of feel, but we just found everything at Centro fit us the best.

EDIT - price includes 1 underground parking spot but the storage locker in the underground parking lot you have to pay for seperately $2,500 and then you own it to do with what you like (we will be getting one, 2 bikes, hockey gear, snowboards, etc. = need the space)
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drove by yesterday and noticed two of the townhome units have windows installed. Also, it looked like the north and south tower are up to the 5th? floor.
December 8 2009 update

Centro North + South Towers are on the 8th floor ~

East Elevation
Click to Enlarge

Southwest Elevation

Northwest Elevation

Cladding Installation Begins - I'm liking the purple-brownish EIFs colour ;)

Windows are in for Podium Townhouses - looking pretty good
Not bad. The colours (black mullion caps and brown cladding) are very Vancouver.
Thanks for the updated shots!

Thanks for the new photo's - its great to see all the progress they have been making...makes it feel more real!

November 2010 can not come soon enough!
thanks gregv ... that's because the new sales office will be set up in these 2 townhouse units at the corner of Town Centre Blvd + Borough Drive

I drove by on the past weekend and see that the 2 townhouse units were combined / renovated for a sales office with the scaled model already moved in~

The area around the windows currently white will be red based on the renderings. I've grown attached to the purple and white combo, and am not sure if the red will be a good combo.
I'll be in the area this weekend so I'll bring my camera and take some shots of the development if I get a chance - has anyone been by lately? How is their progress going?

We recieved a letter from the developer when the economy first started to go down the tubes telling us that everything was on track and that they were financially secure and the development would be completed as scheduled - this was back in Oct/Nov 2008.

As this is my first home purchase, is it common to not recieve regular notifications on construction progress?

Can anyone on UT who has past experience with new condo developments gauge from the current look of the site, if they are still on track?

