i think you've made your point.


I just found this, perhaps the funniest post I've ever seen.
1 September 2012:






Interesting to see where all the kitchens are in the building and how they all look the same. (I prefer lighter wood cabinetry with off white appliances)


Just thought of a brilliant way to disguise those concrete columns (and some UT members will no doubt be turned off):

Disguise them as a typical Toronto wood electrical pole, including rusty staples and posters. #art
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I walk by this every morning. The mustard yellow underside set off against the dark grey brick looks gorgeous. I really like the look of this building!
Love the yellow underside contrasting against the grey brick. It's a nice touch of classy colour. Really sets the building apart.

I seem to recall having been gloomy about this building in the past, but I take it all back. This is dignified, stately, and - seen from the right angle - downright sunny.
From certain angles, Gläs almost appears to look like the podium of Charlie.

I like the treatment of the mechanical penthouse with those thin windows that during the day you could see sky while at night they are illuminated.
