I should enlist Chaz Bono to sit on and gish whomever had the bright idea to replace this Macy DuBois masterwork
Chaz is an obsolete diminutive of Charles as much as Chuck is. Just be thankful they did not call it Chuck.
A pity they went with the awkward-shaped floor plan of the existing building; I've never liked these diagonally set up buildings as it ruins the street wall effect. I'm certain David McComb (nice name lol--the Trump comb over comes to mind :p) drives a Lexus.... Seriously, what a sleazy name for a business. (It's like those American's that name their kids Mercedes, Lexus, etc. Vulgar.)

As for suite sizes? Well look at David McComb's background with Concord--straight to Hong Kong and China for the investor, eh?

I wonder if the neighbouring lowrise apartment building is on the market for a condo replacement? (Casa will be boxed in soon, imho. The SE corner of Yonge and Charles is crying out for a couple of high rises.)
Suite K(the largest suite) has a balcony.

However Wow! a 10 foot by 10 foot master bedroom in a 2 bedroom.... Now we're livin'!

And a 428 sqft one bedroom apartment Suite D... My living room/dining room are 428 sqft!!!!

Plus my biggest complaint about almost all new condos is that stupid faux-industrial round column crap they all have these days. Stupid home buyers expect them. That way they know they are in a new condo. Despite the fact that they are completely unnecessary and intrusive in the floor space. And don't give me the added expanse of window space argument... They end up having the blinds rolled down behind them all the time. I also don't want to hear its cheaper for construction crap, even if it's true. The extra cost per unit done my way would be negligible.

By pushing the pillars to the corners, you add usable floor space and don't lose any actual view outwards. On the outside of the building they could use the same glass as the window wall to cover the pillars and you would have an added architectural feature, to enhance the elevation.



(Originals courtesy official Chaz floor plans PDF)
