Suite K(the largest suite) has a balcony.

However Wow! a 10 foot by 10 foot master bedroom in a 2 bedroom.... Now we're livin'!

And a 428 sqft one bedroom apartment Suite D... My living room/dining room are 428 sqft!!!!

Plus my biggest complaint about almost all new condos is that stupid faux-industrial round column crap they all have these days. Stupid home buyers expect them. That way they know they are in a new condo. Despite the fact that they are completely unnecessary and intrusive in the floor space. And don't give me the added expanse of window space argument... They end up having the blinds rolled down behind them all the time. I also don't want to hear its cheaper for construction crap, even if it's true. The extra cost per unit done my way would be negligible.

By pushing the pillars to the corners, you add usable floor space and don't lose any actual view outwards. On the outside of the building they could use the same glass as the window wall to cover the pillars and you would have an added architectural feature, to enhance the elevation.

Well said Traynor, I couldn't agree more.
Thanks d_t. Those drawings I did on the previous page, reflect how simple an idea it really is.

I hope with Urban Toronto's new found IN with builders/developers, they can start taking some of our opinions and ideas to the people that can actually affect these changes. Or at least encourage those developers to read the threads that pertain to their project.

If enough potential buyers would balk at the idea of internal round pillars, then we would see better designs. However, while the average uninformed buyer goes on believing that the way it IS is the way it HAS to be, then we will continue to get crap.
Outstandingly poor floorplans. 2nd and master bedrooms right next to each other. Single bedroom that opens on kitchen. Lots of wasted space (hallways especially). 378 sq. ft. shoeboxes. Queue Monty Python voiceover: "START AGAIN!"
wow, looks like this development was designed 100% for investors.
Poorly designed small units, mediocre finishes, generic design... no thanks.

I see this place going to be mostly rentals after it's built.
it amazing how different 2 buildings right next to each other can be.

i was hoping Chaz would keep the original building's design and just build a box on a 45 degree rotation.
my rant about real estate agents continues here...

I bet many agents will advertise this place as a "Good Investment @ VIP pricing" even if the prices are $600/sqft... lol... sigh* real estate agents are just as annoying as telemarketers, lol.
my rant about real estate agents continues here...

I bet many agents will advertise this place as a "Good Investment @ VIP pricing" even if the prices are $600/sqft... lol... sigh* real estate agents are just as annoying as telemarketers, lol.

Ahhh, that's sad.
This thing is going to be a total baby wipe disaster!!! I first opened the PDF and thought wow, nice looking building, VERY nice amenities including the upper floor terrace and party room (which CASA neglected to do). With those massive upper PH terraces at CASA it's really a shame that they couldn't crop a portion of the longer east and west sides and make those "common" while still giving the PH buyers massive corner terraces. I don't know if anybody noticed but the Upper PH already don't come with the entire east/west...I'm not sure what the empty space is being used for but we all know it's not "common"space. Bach to CHAZ, so I then saw the first type "A" floor plan and thought that it's a pretty decent design for 750sq/ft, then I looked at the rest and barfed! I should just sell my unit in CASA now at the peek of the market before this monstrocity destroys my value. Actually I'm wondering if CASA being boxed in by awful buildings like CHAZ and BSN would hurt or improve it's value...on the one hand it's not good for Charles St. On the other hand it would be the "better" building of the street.
This thing is going to be a total baby wipe disaster!!! Bach to CHAZ, so I then saw the first type "A" floor plan and thought that it's a pretty decent design for 750sq/ft, then I looked at the rest and barfed! I should just sell my unit in CASA now at the peek of the market before this monstrocity destroys my value. Actually I'm wondering if CASA being boxed in by awful buildings like CHAZ and BSN would hurt or improve it's value...on the one hand it's not good for Charles St. On the other hand it would be the "better" building of the street.

my sentiments exactly ... there is sooo much potential for Charles Street and it seems to be getting worse and worse, at least floorplan wise.
hmm, it has the potential to look good though ... so not sure how the contents i.e. the layouts of the units effect the property value of units in nearby buildings ... if it looks terrible sure but there's no indication of that yet.
I should just sell my unit in CASA now at the peek of the market before this monstrocity destroys my value. .

Don't think such nonsense. I had a sneak peak at the price list today, and these units at Chaz are going to be very expensive!! This is going to drive up our value at CASA big time, i believe. (Also BSN is a gorgeous building. I know we've become CASA snobs and nothing can compare to our building, but BSN and Chaz will add to our value i believe, and the value of the area as they are very nice buildings)

I think many of the units are quite kool actually. Some interesting shapes to work with. The guy that said the floor plans were generic was way off base. Like them or not, they are NOT generic!

Anyways, will be very interesting to see how quickly they sell.
