They will then use a smaller crane to get that one down, then a smaller one to get that one down ect

It will be the Matryoshka doll of cranes.

so just to be clear, is this now the 4th crane on the roof?

original tower crane > larger red derrick > smaller red derrick > current blue derrick
Yes, fourth crane/derrick.





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Looking at the last picture, I am now convinced that "Bloor Street Neighbourhood" is the best condo recently built in this area.
Just waiting till the end result of 1 Bloor ...
I really dislike that these 2 side by side are the exact same height. it may have worked if they had been the exact same design but now they just look like a pair of mismatched socks. same with Couture and X in the background.
I really dislike that these 2 side by side are the exact same height. it may have worked if they had been the exact same design but now they just look like a pair of mismatched socks. same with Couture and X in the background.

I agree, why build them the exact same height when they're side by side.....
It happens that way because of property rights. Developer 2 can argue that Developer 1 got to build—right next door—to this height, and there's no reason why we should not be allowed the same height.

If they can make a case that they should be allowed more height than the neighbour, they do. If the City has reasons why the new building should be shorter than the one next door, and if they can make a case for it, they do.

The decision is not made based on whether people think they'll look nice side by side or not. That's too subjective to stand up "in court" (at the OMB).

In any event, the newer buildings going up on Charles St E, Casa II for one, will be taller than either Casa I or Chaz and provide a bit of variety.
I really dislike that these 2 side by side are the exact same height. it may have worked if they had been the exact same design but now they just look like a pair of mismatched socks. same with Couture and X in the background.

In this case I think it looks fine (this is a VERY special case) just because 1) the two are relatively slender 2) very different designs/different orientations/rooflines.
Couture and X are also an odd couple, extremely similar profiles, but extremely cladding/colours. X1 and X2 are also a weird couple. I've been looking at them lately and they look more and more different. A lot of weird couples out there...

From yesterday. I've come to the conclusion that between the two, Casa looks better up close but Chaz looks better from afar/on the skyline. I was initially disappointed by the not-as-dramatic-as-the-renders roofline on Chaz, but now that it's a wrap, looks good enough to stand out.
(not from this angle though)
I think they didn't build up the mechanical level with the extra layer that they had planned in the render. That would have made the crown that much more interesting. In the end it looks fine but could have been even better.
Part of the mechanical level was lit last night.



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