5 parking spaces - love it!
While I also think the City generally demands/expects too many parking spaces, I wonder if 5 spaces is enough for a fairly large long-term care home where visitors are often likely to be fairly aged family members who need cars to get around. As far as I know, there are no 'commercial' parking garages in that immediate area - at least not yet.
Excited that this will get moving on the same timeline as the other high-profile construction projects currently underway in the West Don Lands.
That’s good to hear! Was there a timeline somewhere that I missed?
That’s good to hear! Was there a timeline somewhere that I missed?
Oh, I am just commentating on WDL Blocks 3-4-7, WDL Block 8, WDL Block 10, WDL Block 20, which are all under construction or will soon be too.

SPA submission means that typically construction start won't be too long after, probably later this year, so it is reasonable to think that this project will be completing around the same time-frame as the others listed above.
Some new renderings by Montgomery Sisam:

Anyone else finding themselves feeling a bit sad for the renderperson in the last two?
I think it's the same renderperson in first through to third ones, where he is picted a little less lonely for what that is worth.
