They're probably holding fast to the dream of being able to suck in suckers off the Yonge Street sidewalk again, some day when they can afford it. Off of Yonge Street, I have no concept of where in Toronto they're lurking (okay, so maybe it's the future Bauhaus site currently, but point being they have no visibility down there, and won't be able to brainwash as many people).

Welcome to Mindhead...
does anyone else have a problem with this being a Scientologist church straight downtown? It's well documented that they severely abuse members of their order regularly
does anyone else have a problem with this being a Scientologist church straight downtown? It's well documented that they severely abuse members of their order regularly
Unless they do things to get themselves registered as a terrorist group, there's not much anyone can do about it. Well, beyond educating folks not to go there.
I personally dont care if theres some Scientologists downtown, as long as they aren't causing a lot of ruckus. Though they certainly didnt give this building any help...
The worst part is they got it (more likely, forced someone into selling it to them) for a mere $2. That they then didn't bother to maintain it is certainly not due to having to pay a mortgage, nor apparently property taxes throughout the years...
The internet is amazing at times for picking up conversations from almost a year and a half ago...

...but here I go: Is this building listed as a heritage structure somewhere?
