Beauty! I'd love to live in that thing and I'm poor enough to qualify = I hope I don't win the LottoMax jackpot tomorrow so as to be forced to buy a unit in a much less pretty-looking building.
Came across this article - Not too dated

CityPlace owners shocked by 42-storey TCHC plans
By Kimberly Spice


Fear of increased crime rates, lower property values and transforming a prestige community into slums sparked heated debate over a new Toronto Community Housing Corp. (TCHC) project planned for City Place.

More than 130 neighbours, some saying they were blindsided about the rezoning of a 7-storey building into a 42-storey high-rise, pressed into a community information meeting on Oct. 14 at Metro Hall.

It quickly became confrontational as planners explained that TCHC zoning changes were in line with other area block developments spanning former railway lands south of Front from Spadina to Bathurst.

The area known as Block 31 will also include two schools, capable of handling 1,190 students, a daycare and a community centre with a 9-storey senior housing project built above.

In an effort to calm fears, Peter Zimmerman, the housing development manager for TCHC, explained that affordable housing is not low-income housing.

“This is not housing for low income people,” emphasized Zimmerman. “It is housing for rents that are about 80% of the average for the City of Toronto. For a 3-bedroom apartment that means about $1,100 a month. Household incomes would probably be between $35,000 and $65,000.”

Other concerns related to the high-rise development included obstructed views and shadows cast on already existing townhouses.

“Our view is going to be blocked by what you guys call a view enhancing tower, 42-stories high,” charged one woman. “To me it seems a bit disrespectful to people that are there when the original development was seven-stories high.”

Councillor Adam Vaughan pointed out that the homeowners north of the project had similar complaints when they bought their homes and rezoning in City Place took place.

“Views under the Planning Act are not a protected right,” responded Vaughan.

Angry residents said they will look into what options might be available to them to stop the development, but Vaughan told them that a visit to the Ontario Municipal Board would be a lost cause since the development is in line with the surrounding area.

The city, the TCHC and Vaughan will make up part of a steering committee formed from the meeting that will review residents’ complaints of shadowing, location of the high-rise on the block and traffic concerns.

But as city planner Sarah Phipps informed disgruntled residents, “You are never guaranteed what’s going to happen next door.”

Pending is a page on the City of Toronto website regarding Block 31.

2009-11-08 16:45:47
Ya, another tower is really going to wreck this prestigious (?!?) community (??). Ya can't blame them though, I'd be pissed if my view was blocked--even if my building blocks someone else's.
The sad thing though, is that this is far more than an issue of a view being blocked. These are classist issues tinged with racism. I'd prefer to see some positive and constructive dialogue coming out of the cityplace dwellers.
I'm much more worried about the local residents who automatically equate lower incomes with crime and diminished property values.
The sad thing though, is that this is far more than an issue of a view being blocked. These are classist issues tinged with racism. I'd prefer to see some positive and constructive dialogue coming out of the cityplace dwellers.

Precisely, pure ignorance. :(
After reading this, my feeling now, is they need to make this development a 70 storey tower. "People" like "this" shouldnt live in Toronto, they need to live in a woodshack off a dusty road in Alabama, or a hole in the side of a mountain in Idado.
I think these people do have a right to be worried. All one has to do is look at the old Regent Park or St.Jamestown to see what happens when there is a large amount of low income people put together. Hopefully by mixing people of different incomes together, this can be avoided. I really hope so!
I wish the TCHC had budgeted a field trip to the St. Lawrence neighbourhood.

With yellow short buses.

In an effort to calm fears, Peter Zimmerman, the housing development manager for TCHC, explained that affordable housing is not low-income housing.

“This is not housing for low income people,†emphasized Zimmerman. “It is housing for rents that are about 80% of the average for the City of Toronto. For a 3-bedroom apartment that means about $1,100 a month. Household incomes would probably be between $35,000 and $65,000.â€

$ 1,100 a month for a brand new three-bedroom apartment in downtown TO ?? No wonder the area residents are ticked off. They are jealous. They had to save for years for a down payment, and now have to pay two or three times that much in property taxes, maintenance fees, utilities and mortgage payments for a bachelor or one-bedroom condo.

And once you're in a TCHC apartment, should you lose your job or chose to become a welfare bum, your rent will decrease accordingly. Once you are in a TCHC unit, you can stay there for life. It's like hitting the jackpot.

As far as racism is concerned - look at the picture, most of them are minorities themselves.

And once you're in a TCHC apartment, should you lose your job or chose to become a welfare bum, your rent will decrease accordingly. Once you are in a TCHC unit, you can stay there for life. It's like hitting the jackpot.

While it may provide some stability and hope for the unemployed/underemployed, I doubt most people would consider living in public housing "hitting the jackpot."
People don't “chose” to be in a situation in which they require welfare. That's incredibly ignorant and classist. And some people can't afford “bachelor or one-bedroom” condominiums, no matter how many years they save for. The real jackpot is to be someone who can afford such condominiums.
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