August 23rd Bridge Update! Concord banners have come down.

if you look really closely, you will notice the netting is already up. I saw it being installed (at least on the east side).
Thank god it's barely noticeable.
Explain to me why we need a suicide net on this bridge, but not on the Spadina or Bathurst bridge right beside it? Seriously. Why?

Also, the colour doesn't look that bad from this angle. But we know where they got their inspiration.

^Haha, nice! There's a 240 wagon on my street sometimes that is the same colour. It looks like a giant stick of butter.
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I think it looks more like railings than a suicide barrier at this point.
Explain to me why we need a suicide net on this bridge, but not on the Spadina or Bathurst bridge right beside it? Seriously. Why?

I can't address the issue of whether a net is needed (are jumpers really frequent on either the Spadina or the Bathurst bridge?), but it's probably because it's easier to incorporate a net into the design of a brand new bridge than get one added to an existing bridge.
Pictures from today confirm it - It is indeed a suicide barrier. Maybe Concord is worried about getting sued by the families of jumpers (however ridiculous that may seem)


