Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've read quite a ways back in the thread and can't seem to find an answer. Has Clear Spirit (1) been rebranded "The Gooderham", as well as Clear Spirit (2)? Skyscraperpage seems to list Clear Spirit as being cancelled. Is this just an oversight on theirs. I thought it sold really well.
I really hate all these condos in the Distillery, they ruin the historic buildings, It's just another form of facedism, bleagh!
I think the clean lines of the buildings provide great contrast to the old Victorian architecture. It's not supposed to be a museum, but a genuine part of the city. I think it's great so long as the new doesn't overpower the old.
I really hate all these condos in the Distillery, they ruin the historic buildings, It's just another form of facedism, bleagh!

Welcome to the forums! Just a quick FYI: It's generally not good posting etiquette to revisit topics already discussed and argued at painful, exhaustive length earlier in the very same thread in which you are posting.
So just because something was discussed before, and I have something to add to that later on, my opinion is worthless?? I don't see how its painful, its a discussion, and it has opposing views, so what?? That what a forum is. And, no i didn't read 99 pages of the thread, and i doubt most people do. There's just no time. The important info is at the beginning, such as renders and links to websites, and at the end. which is the latest updates. I really don't think you're being reasonable. Thanks so much for your sincere welcome!!
So just because something was discussed before, and I have something to add to that later on, my opinion is worthless?? I don't see how its painful, its a discussion, and it has opposing views, so what?? That what a forum is. And, no i didn't read 99 pages of the thread, and i doubt most people do. There's just no time. The important info is at the beginning, such as renders and links to websites, and at the end. which is the latest updates. I really don't think you're being reasonable. Thanks so much for your sincere welcome!!

Whatever you say, champ. Just pointing out that this argument appears in every Distillery thread (and makes up the bulk of this one) and you aren't adding anything new or constructive to the discussion at all. So perhaps instead of bringing this discussion back from the dead, I suggest that you take a minute out of your busy schedule and take a look at the some of the other 99 pages in this thread. It's been discussed so exhaustively that I think it's safe to say that everything that can possibly be said on either side of the issue has been said.
Grey, I disagree. Forums are for opinions, and if someone wants to express their opinion on a building or in that building's thread, he/she should have no worries doing so.
If you wander into a party late, and then immediately make a blunderbuss pronouncement on a subject that you'd reasonably assume has already been hashed to death (because there's a sign on the door indicating what people will be talking about), then yes, you can probably expect a few people to groan.

But then, it's the fate of discussion forums to have the same arguments over and over again. New people arrive and want to have their voices heard. And older people mosey off to greener pastures.
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Yes, you are right about that. I mean sure, we've mostly all heard the same things over and over, and it gets very tiring. We also have the choice to just ignore it and partake in another discussion in another topic :p
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot kicking around the same arguments about the Distillery District - forever."
-George Orwell, 1984
Good idea. For the sake of good discussion, let's ignore jks's post :)

Failing that, we can save time and effort quoting old posts by Urban Shocker, Hydrogen, unimaginative2, et al -- all of whom had something better to say on the subject than "bleagh!"
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Shouldn't they have put those gas pipes behind something? I can just see a car going off the road and smashing those open.
That would be a determined car to make it through the stone wall on either side of the pipes.

That said, it would've been nice for them to bury the line just for aesthetic purposes. No real excuse to just leave something like that exposed
