Surprised no one has brought up that this one appears to be going ahead ... or at least the brick by brick dismantling of the famous Gardiner sign post
any recent progress on this site? anyone with pricelist?

do you guys see any other future condos near this site? the more i look at it, the more im starting to like it.
Surprised no one has brought up that this one appears to be going ahead ... or at least the brick by brick dismantling of the famous Gardiner sign post

I just saw the demolition of Rack House M this afternoon, didn't realize it was actually happening until today.
any recent progress on this site? anyone with pricelist?

do you guys see any other future condos near this site? the more i look at it, the more im starting to like it.

Yeah, East Bayfront and the whole West Donlands neighbourhood in the next 5-10 years.
There has been some progress here. Small, temporary hoarding is up and there is scaffolding covering the contended 'heritage' structure.

Taken yesterday:



Not much progress, but progress indeed.
There has been some progress here. Small, temporary hoarding is up and there is scaffolding covering the contended 'heritage' structure.

Whoa! Wait a minute.

My understanding is that Clear Spirit and Gooderham (Clear Spirit 2) sites are sitting on one storey tank houses that would be reassembled.

That big mother box in the pic is one of the most important buildings on site (and the backdrop for the drinkin' and jazz piazza... surely they are just repairing not bringing it down....??!!
As a weak gesture towards the existing structure, I believe they'll be using some of the original brick in the new building. Also, will they do anything with that parking lot off of Cherry Street? I can't understand why they wouldn't leave the Rackhouse alone, and build the tower on the empty space.
That's a shame about the tank house... it was I believe the most recent of G&W buildings before it went under. I'm fine with building on top and around the buildings, but definitely not in favour of any demolishment
wow. this neighbourhood is touted, published, advertised and praised for its distinction and historical relevance. and now the city is letting that terrific building come down. this is so frustrating it's almost comedy. ridiculous, i can't stand to see more and more buildings go down.
omb decision

The revised proposal calls for two residential point towers of 40 storeys and 35
storeys in height and includes podium bases for both towers. The 40-storey tower will
rest above a 5-storey residential podium and the 35-storey tower will rest on a 2-storey
podium. There will be a total of 669 residential units. There will be a “Ribbon” building
on the south side of the property of 4 storeys in height, which will contain commercial
type uses. Four levels of underground parking will be built to serve both the proposal as
well as the rest of the Distillery (refer to Exhibit 3).

A Section 37 Agreement forms partof the settlement, which among other things will protect the façades of two heritage
structures (Rack Houses “G” and “J”) during construction and provide a community
benefit and public art contributions totalling $2,600,000. Mr. Hynes noted that the
retention and alterations of the facades of Rack Houses “G” and “J” met with the
approval of the Toronto Preservation Board. A third structure – Rack House “M”, which
is not a heritage-designated building – will be demolished. The site is located within the
Lower Don Special Policy Area (SPA) and within a floodplain. The 2005 Provincial
Policy Statement (PPS) states that ministerial approval is required when development
and site alteration are being contemplated within an SPA. Mr. Hynes confirmed that the
appropriate approval has been received from the provincial ministries to permit the
proposed residential uses within an SPA.

Mr. McClelland, architect for the applicant provided heritage planning evidence in
support of the settlement. It was his testimony that the Distillery district was designated
a national historic site in 1988 and that the existing heritage designated buildings are
protected under the Ontario Heritage Act. Heritage easements have been put in place
for the preservation, renovation and re-use of the heritage designated buildings. It was
his testimony that permission was given to demolish Rack House “M”, and alterations
made to Rack Houses “G” and “J” under this Act.
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