Yep, two stores have already opened and I hate the design of them. They contain 3 things I hate. First of all the exterior is just a flat, glass wall. (like most new condos going up right now) There is no attempt to make it distinctive, interesting or attractive. The interior walls are mainly raw concrete and the ceiling is just exposed pipes, air ducts and wires, just like the Bed, Bath And Beyond, in Aura. This raw, exposed crap on the unfinished ceiling is starting to become a trend in Toronto and we all know why. (it's the cheapest way to build a ceiling) I understand putting this in a Costco or outlet mall in suburbia, but in a downtown, somewhat upscale complex, I think it's a huge mistake. God, at least put in some brick, wooden beams and some creative lighting, if you want that raw industrial look.
Thankfully, it looks like the Gooderham will have the more traditional, historic looking retail store facades, to match the rest of the Distillery.