Has anyone else noticed how they cheapened out on the top? What happened to the fins?


I remember when we first saw the renders for this condo, that seemed to be the only redeeming factor of this was that they at least added a decorative top.
While a nice version of what seems to be becoming the standard Toronto Condo, it isn't worthy of the Distillery.

It's going to be unfortunate when the other giants are erected. Toronto and built history don't seem to get along too well.
What's that little green building to the right of the public housing slab? Middle right beside the slab, see that dark green 3-story thingy with white windows? I like the looks of it and it shall be investigated....

As for the DD condos: what a dreary view! I think the area needs more colour and bold modern architecture to enliven the reality of Toronto Winter: stuff like Pier 27 only vibrant reds, greens etc.
It just shows you how way off the renderings are. I mean, they show silver like windows, and we end up with green.

Well, with this giant lighthouse, at least I know now where the Distillery District is, not that I would ever want to go there.
^Don't. The DD is a total bore. It reminds me of downtown Stratford (I grew up down the street from Stratford--a total bore.) It's filled with mostly middled-aged WASPy types and the cheesy tour bus crowd. The shops are overpriced, the district itself isn't really that large or special (makes Old Montreal look positively gigantic and interesting), and what else can I say except they've (predictably) ruined the place. Until the area is filled with 20,000 real residents, it shall be blahness redefined.

Essentially, when I was there last summer, I felt like I was at a corporate tea party. Polite. Boring. Look but don't touch.

But hey, that's my cynical view of the world--I get bored real easily.:)
^The district is a work in progress. It'll always have that feel you describe until it's integrated with it's surroundings (much of which has to be built itself).
What's that little green building to the right of the public housing slab?

The little 4 storey alley home under construction just north of Queen/Parliament
At least the DD is photogenic, and looks good at night with those coloured "street lamps". Hopefully they still have those. Plus, Soulpepper is there, as well as plenty of galleries.
Ive only been to the Distillery twice and both times was during festivals. One was the Blues Fest and the other was the opening event for Beaches Jazz. Really lively and packed with people, 3 different stages with music going on all at the same time, great historical buildings as a backdrop and of course one long shadow so far. I have no complaints though about the Distillery itself... just about the incomplete nature of the neighbourhood verging on rundown as you look towards Corktown or the fenced off West Donlands mega site... with patience I'm sure it will eventually gain some continuity.
I have a feeling that there won't be too much music outdoors in the Distillery District once all those condos are built.
^Don't. The DD is a total bore. It reminds me of downtown Stratford (I grew up down the street from Stratford--a total bore.)

Ya, Stratford sucks with all that theatre, good restaurants, heritage architecture and parkland! What a waste of time.
Well it depends.... I'm not a fan of anything public...which is where I disagree with the Spacing mandate. Stratford is bearable in the winter--when all the tourists from America and Toronto aren't around. I'm not complaining about the architecture, rather the people....

What is culture? Everyone has a different idea. The DD is not my concept of culture.

Nice brick work, but the entire place seems like one corporate vision--which is exactly what it is and why imho it fails to inspire.
Nice brick work, but the entire place seems like one corporate vision--which is exactly what it is and why imho it fails to inspire.
Even though it's completely filled with independent businesses like galleries, artisan workshops, restaurants and cafes? Your point may have been valid if there were banners for Coke and spray-on cheese everywhere.
