great first post, CoolUrbanDude, and welcome to the forum!
8 September 2012: Apologies in advance US if I gave you a heart attack! Apparently in the future all podiums will be this vibrant! ;)


(Or maybe I need my eyes checked? They're not grey enough)
sMT that first shot is incredible. I'm really liking the balcony treatment, it looks good up close and from afar. I don't think the crimp would be nearly as noticeable without the treatment they're used.
The former sales office in the Distillery (to the right of the Bakery) is in the process of being converted to a clothing store. New retail in the Distillery, how exciting!
There's good bit more retail coming in the base of Clear Spirit. Mill St is taking up a lot of the ground floor with a new restaurant, and there's a few other retail units fronting on to the new laneway between Clear Spirit and Gooderham. And I think that laneway is going to be opened to the public soon. The brick pavers have been laid around most of the building, and there's a lot of landscaping going on.
