this is one of the greatest things to happen to toronto IMO.

are the lights really as bright in person as in the above picture? p.s, the image might not work. look at the pic in the star article.

I'm with you, I think the lighting is great and a long overdue improvement.
Yes, the tower lights do look that bright in person. Some shades of blue and purple aren't as bright though.
Watched the tests last night at Harbourfront and it stopped everyone in their tracks.... the oohs and ahhhs usually reserved for a fireworks display.

Frankly, anyone how doesn't get a kick out this celebratory bit of light magic is either colour-blind or definitely needs to get back in touch their inner child (suggest rollercoaster ride or finger painting).

Agreed. I think the people who don't like it are mostly just uptight old farts who complain about everything. No point it trying to cater to them.
Agreed. I think the people who don't like it are mostly just uptight old farts who complain about everything. No point it trying to cater to them.

You can't please everyone 100% of the time. Sadly, too often the attitude in Canada generally and Toronto specifically is to retreat into inaction whenever there is risk of criticism, rather than to be bold. Not everyone will like the new lights, or the various combinations thereof, and that's fine -- à chacun son goût. Although I know that I will personally be appalled when I see the tower lit up in red-white-and-blue on July 4, I am thrilled that the Tower is doing something new and different.
I know that I will personally be appalled when I see the tower lit up in red-white-and-blue on July 4

why? what do you have against france? ;)
Wow! Beautiful pics! Too bad I can't see it from my apt window. Damn sister building is blocking the view.
waste? this is a huge way of getting the message across about efficient LED's.

it uses 60% of the energy used by the previous crappy lighting (when they used it in full)

the CN tower is a beacon lighting the way into the future!

Paris' Eiffel Tower is both classy and elagant.

This CN Tower? Well, have not seen it live in person. But based on the pictures/videos, it looks more like the cheap and tacky 70s porn/hooker district neon lights.
I hope the middle pic is the standard theme. The other 4 look terrible.

It would be cool if they lit the very top in a really vibrant white or red.

Does anyone know if they'll be lighting up the red ring on the observation deck?
I hope the middle pic is the standard theme. The other 4 look terrible.

It would be cool if they lit the very top in a really vibrant white or red.

Does anyone know if they'll be lighting up the red ring on the observation deck?

It is possible to light up both the Radome (the lower "bubble" area) and the area a few levels above in red. Come Canada Day I think we'll see displays of white and red.
The CN Tower was built in the 70s. I'm not sure it is such a bad thing having lighting that makes the CN Tower look 70s. No lighting will change the CN Tower into the Eiffel Tower, it will always be a more modern looking but aging poured concrete structure. Lighting the tower is much better than leaving it forgotten in the darkness which is what has happened over the past decade. This will improve its tourism draw. Tacky will probably work for drawing tourists. It works for Disneyland and Vegas.
Those so-called "environment friends" are just hyprocrites. Don't they use electricities? Don't they eat? Don't they poop? Why don't they just shut up and go live in some caves and light candles...
