I keep walking past those ugly cement emergency exit's across the street from the CN Tower, and think how great they would be with decals of paintings covering the doors. The shape of the exits would almost make it look like they were intentional and there just to display the paintings.

I think that there needs to be a greater connection between the CN Tower plaza on the north side of Bremner and the sidewalk/pathway on the south side leading into Roundhouse Park (is that what it is called????).

BTW... a little off topic here, but I am starting to really like the feel of that roundhouse park. Once the Telus Tower and Maple Leaf Quare buildings are up, and when/if Infinity builds another phase south of the current buildings, that park will have a great view. It does now, but soon the park will be closed in a bit more with a high skyline surrounding it.
I'd love to see the skydome and cn tower integrated into some massive entertainment center.

Imagine changing the roof of the skydome to some sort of sweeping glass cover which could line up with another sweeping roof which goes from the skydome to bremner and over to the cn tower, with a great large retractable roof. Integrate a bunch of restaurants into the eastern base of the skydome.


But I also really love your idea for your updates as well. The reflection pool would be a great idea.
Wow. Now I do feel old.

(deep breath)

The tower base used to be surround by a reflecting pool. Home to paddleboats in summer and occasional ice-skating in winter, believe it or not. You got to the elevators by walking over it on little glassed-in bridge from the original entry structure along the north side to the wee enclosure still visible on two sides of the tower base near the core.

Here's a drawing of it from the '70's....


and outlines of it - the original walkway around it - are visible in this pic (from wikipedia)

Hey, giant feet floating by the tower!

Didn't see that during LuminaTO.
I finally saw it lit tonight and I have to agree with whoever said it looks tacky. Too last Vegas. A nice pulsating light in one colour would work better than what they were doing tonight.. the CN Tower looked like a Christmas tree.
They're just doing tests, running/writing scripts whatever. Each night seems to get a little zanier with the tests that they're doing but I'd suspect it will be a little more restrained once it goes live at the end of the month.
Tacky or not is one's individual opinion. Frankly, I like it. Alot more interesting and less boring than a fixed colour. If it draws more crowds and increases tourists, I'm all for it.
I like the lighting. I think the only way to make the CN Tower look tacky would be to paint the concrete something other than the cement colour it is now.
Watched the tests last night at Harbourfront and it stopped everyone in their tracks.... the oohs and ahhhs usually reserved for a fireworks display.

Frankly, anyone how doesn't get a kick out this celebratory bit of light magic is either colour-blind or definitely needs to get back in touch their inner child (suggest rollercoaster ride or finger painting).
I believe that the tower will be lit in a single, solid colour with special effects taking place at the top of every hour.


this is one of the greatest things to happen to toronto IMO.

are the lights really as bright in person as in the above picture? p.s, the image might not work. look at the pic in the star article.
The pic works for me. The Star article doesn't say much more (but it was interesting to see that the same people did the LAX gateway, which is quite lovely), and that the tower management aren't going to go much with the tacky look that we've been seeing.

I think it is wonderful.
