Compare and contrast the work done at CN Tower to the proposed Space Needle update:

Space Needle LLC is working with design firm Olson Kundig; Hoffman Construction; Seneca Group; Tihany Design; the City of Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board; local architecture historians and preservationists; an original Space Needle structural engineer; and the larger Seattle community on the renovation.

None of this half measures and dubious additions with no feedback from local historians and heritage preservationists and TPB (not to mention it's a redesign by an architect with a far more defensible output). And best icing on the cake? It's a private project, not one by Crown Corp.

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Why doesn't UT offer their opinion to CLC about the new glass that was installed? Seriously, why not start drafting a letter or schedule a meeting?
Compare and contrast the work done at CN Tower to the proposed Space Needle update:

None of this half measures and dubious additions with no feedback from local historians and heritage preservationists and TPB (not to mention it's a redesign by an architect with a far more defensible output). And best icing on the cake? It's a private project, not one by Crown Corp.


I’m jealous.
Why doesn't UT offer their opinion to CLC about the new glass that was installed? Seriously, why not start drafting a letter or schedule a meeting?
Because it will most likely just be filed in the trash. They aren't likely to listen to any group of people complain about it when they have tourist that will visit it no mater what it looks like. I can understand people wanting to view the plans for all kind of projects of this nature and be able to have an input on it but sometimes they are decided on the building owner for whatever reason. For example it would have been nice if the Eaton Centre had shown off a bunch of Models for the new bridge and allowed poel to pick it although they probably would have picked the design they lied most anyway, much like I believe happened with the new ferry terminal, I suspect that waterfront toronto got the design they liked over any other ones.
Because it will most likely just be filed in the trash. They aren't likely to listen to any group of people complain about it when they have tourist that will visit it no mater what it looks like. I can understand people wanting to view the plans for all kind of projects of this nature and be able to have an input on it but sometimes they are decided on the building owner for whatever reason. For example it would have been nice if the Eaton Centre had shown off a bunch of Models for the new bridge and allowed poel to pick it although they probably would have picked the design they lied most anyway, much like I believe happened with the new ferry terminal, I suspect that waterfront toronto got the design they liked over any other ones.

That's a lot of guessing, personal beliefs and suspicions to justify a fully opaque process in this case - and do you really want to compare CF picking Wilkinson Eyre to Canada Lands picking what, IBI? Also, WT has a public competition - what does this have? Besides, if you want to load the dice at the panel level, do it the New City Hall competition way and have someone with reputation on it:

The end product is excellence, not mediocrity and staleness. And speaking of the building owner, may I remind you again this is a Crown Corp - it's public. If you can't do better than "it will draw tourist regardless", then why even renovate, pretend you're up to date in a way that is about as interesting as a cheap mall?

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That's a lot of guessing, personal beliefs and suspicions to justify a fully opaque process in this case - and do you really want to compare CF picking Wilkinson Eyre to Canada Lands picking what, IBI? Also, WT has a public competition - what does this have? Besides, if you want to load the dice at the panel level, do it the New City Hall competition way and pick someone with good taste:

And speaking of the building owner, may I remind you again this is a Crown Corp - it's public.

I'm just saying most of the poel on this form are acting like they have to be consulted before anything gets done in this city to a building that has some sort of historical significance. It might mater to you who own the CN tower but it doesn't matter to the tourist that go there every day and pay for it's up keep. At the end of the day that's what will drive their decisions to make changes to it. Assigning nostalgic values to a place and calling them historical leds to the same nonsense that caused Ryerson to have to keep a old neon sign form a bankrupt record store. Not everyone looks at things the same way as everyone think thy should or do. Just because you and other poel don't like what is being done to the CN tower doesn't mean that there aren't others that do like it or don't care either way.
I'm just saying most of the poel on this form are acting like they have to be consulted before anything gets done in this city to a building that has some sort of historical significance. It might mater to you who own the CN tower but it doesn't matter to the tourist that go there every day and pay for it's up keep. At the end of the day that's what will drive their decisions to make changes to it. Assigning nostalgic values to a place and calling them historical leds to the same nonsense that caused Ryerson to have to keep a old neon sign form a bankrupt record store. Not everyone looks at things the same way as everyone think thy should or do. Just because you and other poel don't like what is being done to the CN tower doesn't mean that there aren't others that do like it or don't care either way.

If you equate a Sam sign to CN Tower in terms of impact and historical significance, I am not sure if there is anything more to be said. Hell, I am not sure why with this attitude anything is sacrosanct. Don't consult us - consult the experts, I am sure they'd have a few words about it.

If you equate a Sam sign to CN Tower in terms of impact and historical significance, I am not sure if there is anything more to be said.

I'm not I am just trying to point out how absurd your logic is about this. Your arguments aren't going to convince me that it's awful and it should be redone anymore then my complaints about other projects I don't like won't convince others that they need to be changed.
I'm not I am just trying to point out how absurd your logic is about this. Your arguments aren't going to convince me that it's awful and it should be redone anymore then my complaints about other projects I don't like won't convince others that they need to be changed.

You just brought it up as a counter example literally one post ago:

Assigning nostalgic values to a place and calling them historical leds to the same nonsense that caused Ryerson to have to keep a old neon sign form a bankrupt record store.

And now you're telling me you're not? That's absurd. Besides, if it isn't historical, why are people - including CN Tower itself - flogging how it's the 41st anniversary literally last week? Because it's definitely not a case of attaching historical or nostalgic value?

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You just brought it up as a counter example literally one post ago:

And now you're telling me you're not? That's absurd. Besides, if it isn't historical, why are people - including CN Tower itself - flogging how it's the 41st anniversary literally last week? Because it's definitely not a case of attaching historical or nostalgic value?

We've both made our points and aren't going to convince the other to change their point of view so why do you keep questioning everything I post? I am trying to point out that in thes thread it seems like most poel feel like they need to have some say because of the CN tower being owned by a crown corporation. All I'm trying to do is point out that it doesn't matter to everyone in the city and that not everyone shares this same nostalgia for things and assigns historical values to everything in the city in the same way.
We've both made our points and aren't going to convince the other to change their point of view so why do you keep questioning everything I post? I am trying to point out that in thes thread it seems like most poel feel like they need to have some say because of the CN tower being owned by a crown corporation. All I'm trying to do is point out that it doesn't matter to everyone in the city and that not everyone shares this same nostalgia for things and assigns historical values to everything in the city in the same way.

Why should I not, when you have loaded your arguments with questionable equivalencies? And saying "not everyone shares the same *whatever*" is basically an argument to do nothing for anything because there isn't any universal value - like why do we save Old City Hall? Or Union Station Head of House? The TTC?

We've both made our points and aren't going to convince the other to change their point of view so why do you keep questioning everything I post? I am trying to point out that in thes thread it seems like most poel feel like they need to have some say because of the CN tower being owned by a crown corporation. All I'm trying to do is point out that it doesn't matter to everyone in the city and that not everyone shares this same nostalgia for things and assigns historical values to everything in the city in the same way.
Please, you're going on ad nauseam on the same point. We've heard you, and you're already into trolling territory.

I'm just saying most of the poel on this form are acting like they have to be consulted before anything gets done in this city to a building that has some sort of historical significance. It might mater to you who own the CN tower but it doesn't matter to the tourist that go there every day and pay for it's up keep. At the end of the day that's what will drive their decisions to make changes to it. Assigning nostalgic values to a place and calling them historical leds to the same nonsense that caused Ryerson to have to keep a old neon sign form a bankrupt record store. Not everyone looks at things the same way as everyone think thy should or do. Just because you and other poel don't like what is being done to the CN tower doesn't mean that there aren't others that do like it or don't care either way.

Why do you keep saying "poel", and not "people"?
