From G.L.17's most recent images, the Skating Trail looks icy wet! Are they starting to form the ice layers? Are they adding water to form layers of ice needed,... or is it just wet from after the rain??? Note: there's a pile of wood on Skating Trail. Also, ice refrigeration system under Skating Trail should be able to form ice when outside temperature is under 10 degree Celsius, which is what we have now.
Nov 17
Looks like this will be ready in 2019 at the rate of things are going. A crew was putting large granite panels around a box by Aura while shooting the site. The mechanical and change area far from completion with no roof yet or cladding. There was a large pile of broken concrete and brick work to the east.

Otherwise, it's waiting to be open. How many opening days have come and gone??







The slow pace of work at this site is really disappointing. Apparently, from my recent communication in speaking with a city worker connected to the revitalization, the project management of the park is being controlled by Canderel, who partly helped to fund the park through the Section 37 improvements. The tone of the message from the city worker's communication was that of at least hoping that a skating trail will be ready for this coming 2018/2019 season. I don't think Canderel has been all that incentivized to complete the park quickly. After all, they've pretty much built a 66 storey tower (YC Condos) to the north while this park continues to languish in an unopened state. It's very frustrating for the community that vitally needs public space in the crowded downtown core. The first public consultation on this park was in 2012 - 6 years ago - for crying out loud!
The slow pace of work at this site is really disappointing. Apparently, from my recent communication in speaking with a city worker connected to the revitalization, the project management of the park is being controlled by Canderel, who partly helped to fund the park through the Section 37 improvements. The tone of the message from the city worker's communication was that of at least hoping that a skating trail will be ready for this coming 2018/2019 season. I don't think Canderel has been all that incentivized to complete the park quickly. After all, they've pretty much built a 66 storey tower (YC Condos) to the north while this park continues to languish in an unopened state. It's very frustrating for the community that vitally needs public space in the crowded downtown core. The first public consultation on this park was in 2012 - 6 years ago - for crying out loud!
Canadrel are clearly involved up to a point as most of (all of?) the Park is being built on top of the garage (which I assume they still own) but it would be very unusual if they 'controlled' the project. When a developer makes a s37 contribution the $$ go to the City and the way the project moves ahead is up to the City and the City is in charge of awarding and managing the construction contracts. That's not to argue with the fact that it has not been VERY slow!
When there's a agreement on development application, typically Section 37 (Community Benefit), 42, 45 & other development fees are paid for (in cash or to be held in trust) prior to the City issuing building permit. Thus, the agreed upon amount of money required to rebuild the park would have been handed over to City prior to Aura getting their Building Permit (ensures developer meet obligations). City typically place cash in low-risk bond/mutual-funds to protect itself against inflation.

While the City Park is on City Property (Strata - Canderel owns the underground parking), the City park couldn't proceed above until Canderel completed the waterproofing of their underground parking structure below; highly possible (& easier) same Project Management used for both park and waterproofing underground parking.

Not a good sign when they cover outdoor benches and play structures,.... like they expect a long delay!
Perhaps other park projects are more tightly handled by the city, but in this case, the city project manager I was in communication with was very clear that neither the City of Toronto or a city councillor is managing the park re-development. Both the project and the site itself are completely under the control of Canderel, and it's only when the park is completely finished that the reigns will be handed back to the city to control the space.

Apparently the reason for the delays comes from it being a complex, multi-layered, multi-party site, as well as from issues with the supply and delivery of many of the park components. All of that has dragged out the process for way longer than anticipated.
In my neighbourhood, Lansing United Church sold air-rights to EmeraldPark; as part of Section 37 Community Benefits that developer had to build Community Centre for Church. Consultations in 2008. After City got Community Centre money from developer in trust, developer tried to over-charged Church by $1million so Church got another Project Management and Construction team to build within budget & insist on their own underground parking lot (VS shared at EmeraldPark) - can't build Community Centre until Underground Parking lot finished,.... now 10 years later, Community Centre finally finished!

Here, most troubling is FieldHouse/ChangeRoom seems stalled since around Canada Day - still waiting for glass, finishing on roof and cladding,.... doesn't seem to be any urgency to seal up this structure before Winter sets in. Is this over-budget? City - Developer fight?

Most City skating rinks open on Saturday, but even if they re-start working on this FieldHouse/ChangeRoom ASAP, it'll likely need about 2 months of work,... thus, opening would be end of January to early February (optimistically),... then open Skating Trail for about a month before shut down for season.
In my neighbourhood, Lansing United Church sold air-rights to EmeraldPark; as part of Section 37 Community Benefits that developer had to build Community Centre for Church. Consultations in 2008. After City got Community Centre money from developer in trust, developer tried to over-charged Church by $1million so Church got another Project Management and Construction team to build within budget & insist on their own underground parking lot (VS shared at EmeraldPark) - can't build Community Centre until Underground Parking lot finished,.... now 10 years later, Community Centre finally finished!

Here, most troubling is FieldHouse/ChangeRoom seems stalled since around Canada Day - still waiting for glass, finishing on roof and cladding,.... doesn't seem to be any urgency to seal up this structure before Winter sets in. Is this over-budget? City - Developer fight?

Most City skating rinks open on Saturday, but even if they re-start working on this FieldHouse/ChangeRoom ASAP, it'll likely need about 2 months of work,... thus, opening would be end of January to early February (optimistically),... then open Skating Trail for about a month before shut down for season.
If you look back to my posting in May & June, I said then that this park wouldn't open on Canada Day and would be later this year.

Next to nothing has been done to the FieldHouse/ChangeRoom since the spring and a few months away from being completed to the point, I don't expect to see the rink and park open until mid 2019.

Waterproofing the parking structure has nothing to do with the FieldHouse/ChangeRoom being late opening. I could be wrong, but this park/rink was to open by the end of 2017 and a year behind schedule now. Whats an extra 6 month delay going to do??
Barbara Ann Scott park rebuild has 2 components,.... $3million for Park design & construction (Canderel Aura) and additional $2.5million for Skating Trail & FieldHouse/ChangeRoom (YC condo, City & donation)

Excerpts from the April 6, 2016 budget committee minutes:
"A major revitalization of College Park and its entire open space is being undertaken by a Developer responsible for the Aura development at Gerrard and Yonge Streets. The Developer has entered into Section 37 and 45(9) agreements with the City of Toronto and has agreed to provide $3.0 million in improvements to College Park, including public consultation, design services and construction. The project will be implemented by the Developer on behalf of, and under the supervision of Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) Division."
Note: It seems Canderel Aura's Section37 Community Benefit & 45 contribution of $3.0million was for design & rebuild of Barbara Ann Scott Park - which is basically completed now.

"The $3.0 million budget for improvements to College Park, to be delivered by the Developer, does not include a new artificial ice rink/skating trail and rink house components. Through the 2016 PF&R Capital Budget, Council approved $2.5 million Staff report for action on Adjustments to PF&R’s 2016 Capital Budget 4 sub-project of the Arena project for the artificial ice rink/skating trail and rink house components. Of the $2.5 million, $1.0 million is to be funded from the Section 42 Alternate Rate (AR) Cash-in-lieu (CIL) for 460 Yonge Street (XR2213-4200658), $0.500 million is coming from PF&R reserve funds, and $1.0 million from donations. To date, only $0.250 million of the $1.0 million donation has been identified from the Downtown Yonge BIA."

The Skating Trail & FieldHouse/ChangeRoom cost an additional $2.5million ($1million from YC Condo 460 Yonge Section 42 contribution, $0.5million from City and remaining $1million from donation but at that time only quarter million raised),.... did they run out of money/donation??? Is that why construction of FieldHouse/ChangeRoom stopped in June????
I emailed the City's coordinator for this project who just told me'

"Thanks for your interest in the park project. It has certainly been a long time coming.

Canderel developments is building out the park, and will be handing it back over to the City once it is completed. If it seems slow moving recently, it is probably due to much of the work happening with the skate trail infrastructure (in the parking garage below) and on the building.

Despite many delays this summer/fall, the message we've gotten recently is that the park, barring any further delays, should be open sometime around Christmas or New Year's, including the skating facility. I'm hoping the contractor will give us a firm date by early Dec. so that we may coordinate and communicate information around an opening event to the businesses and residents, and work with the BIA and councillor's office to schedule an event. So you should hear about something in the coming weeks."

It may be actually happening!
It seems that the parks department is very consistent when it comes to being delayed and over budget.
Does anyone have any examples of any recent park projects actually getting built on time and on budget whether they be city run projects or developer run?
Does this happen in every municipality or is it a Toronto thing?
Dec 22
Not sure if the concrete has been replace for the skating area, but cover up. Glazing being install in the hut. Still a lot of benches to be install yet.

I guess this will be s spring/summer opening now.








I realize the plans always called for glass panels on the sides of the ice rink hut, but in seeing them take shape now that the blue tarp is down, I'm wondering if this was such a good idea... This park is going to get some pretty heavy use from a mixed bag of people in the community, and I'm concerned the glass won't hold up well. Maybe it was a safety and visibility consideration though? Hoping the glass panels stay intact and don't get destroyed, as the park will start looking ghetto very quickly if that does happen.
Barbara Ann Scott Park - Ice Hut.jpg
