The glass looks great imo. Also, can't see it aging badly, at least not for very long time.
While I agree it looks good, having glass right beside an ice surface is maybe unwise. They certainly saw lots of damage to the (metal-sided) pavilion at the Sherbourne Common ice rink - from flying pucks?,
While I agree it looks good, having glass right beside an ice surface is maybe unwise. They certainly saw lots of damage to the (metal-sided) pavilion at the Sherbourne Common ice rink - from flying pucks?,
This is a skating trail, not a rink.

Photo taken last night.

Neither the skating trail, nor the park for that matter, are open to the public yet, but no worries, it’s all just a thick sheet of ice anyways. This may be the only skating area we see in this ridiculously delayed park this winter. Tie your laces up!
Photo taken last night.

Neither the skating trail, nor the park for that matter, are open to the public yet, but no worries, it’s all just a thick sheet of ice anyways. This may be the only skating area we see in this ridiculously delayed park this winter. Tie your laces up!

Whew!,.... Good thing they got black tarp covering the oval Skating Trail,.... otherwise, the oval Skating Trail would also be covered in ice!!!
Still looks like couple more months until they finish,....

To me, the skating change room hut has that suburban Subway Station vibe going,... which is appropriate since they tend to be late and overbudget too!!! I keep expecting someone to install TTC signage!

Looks like stainless steel siding,...

For some reason I like this shot,....

Inside College Park itself,... the new Starbucks is about to open soon inside the metro supermarket, right across from TimHortons,.... if they're both hoping to sell lots of hot-chocolate to ice skaters,.... better luck next winter!
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