I think these towers will have crossed a line as to what the public will accept from developers. They are so tall, prominent, ugly, inadequate, cheap and embarrassing looking that they will prompt the kind of public disgust that hasn't really been experienced since the Harbourfront disasters of the mid-80s. Concord has taken their greed too far and everyone else will pay for it.

You make it sound like the general public actually give 2 hoots about this stuff when it reality they don't
The general public doesn't take a deep interest in a lot of things, least of all what the arm chair critics on this site get worked up about. Nevertheless , UT is a forum where we all get to cheer and jeer. In my opinion, The Signature Towers, or Block 22 or whatever, ought to be something special that pulls all the generic pieces of these reclaimed lands together. Concord Adex should rise to the occasion on this one.
They ought to... but if you're "pulling all the generic pieces together," you simply get a generic aggregate - something resoundingly mediocre. Taller than the surrounding generica, but mediocre nonetheless.
WE are the general public are we not? I do not know how many here are developers, architects, etc. I think that we are just people who take an interest in our city and development/architecture in general. Whenever I ask my friends or colleagues about buildings etc. they do have an opinion. All one has to do is ask.
I'm not a big fan of turning all of CityPlace into more of the same blue green crap by adding two more towers that look like everything that's already there. But if these towers were built with black or gold or even white glazing I wouldn't mind it as much.....
These towers will sell almost exclusively to Chinese business people who will never set foot in Toronto. You know the type that buys 10 floor blocks of flats to rent out to young people. When I used to go to condo launches I saw their agents--the buyers only care about value per square foot, floorplans, appliances and views. There's a reason I never go to openings anymore: condo investors are overall a disappointing lot.

Now in Toronto's older neighbourhoods or prominent Yonge & Bloor locations, yes, design does sell.
exactly. That type of architecture we haven't seen in a wile. Only a tiny version in the younge yorkville area there, That black and white tower. Can't recall the name but it'd be nice as a super tall
Or two!
As Mr.Fong would say (Concord's Senior Manager of Project Marketing), Block 22 architecture is "the definition of timeless design".
As Mr.Fong would say (Concord's Senior Manager of Project Marketing), Block 22 architecture is "the definition of timeless design".

Hahaha, is that right? Timelessly mediocre and blase, perhaps like the International Style clones by the time the 70s hit.

The relentless pot shots at CityPlace are tiresome. Can we all agree that if everything is 'the best' it merely resets the bar such that everything is again average. CityPlace was built from scratch over about 20 years. It's not luxury, and it's big. I find that many of the towers especially west of Spadina are good. There have been efforts to change design from tower to tower. Yes there is a lot of glass. The base of many of the buildings are well thought out. There are parks, etc.
But there are classes of "average." It's nothing if not relative. Given my druthers, I would rather the 'average' building in Toronto be considered way above average than what you'd find in most other cities in the same country/region. It's a sliding scale.
What are you suggesting? The average here is not well above the average in Canada? Do you not know how bad it is elsewhere?
