Unit counts have also changed slightly. Down from 1,536 to 1,400. Studios have been eliminated and there's more of an emphasis on two bedrooms (up to 428 from 138), which is good. One bedrooms are down to 832 from 1,132.

The total FSI is down to 19.28 from 21.83. Tower separation is up to the minimum 25m from a previously proposed 22m.
Unit counts have also changed slightly. Down from 1,536 to 1,400. Studios have been eliminated and there's more of an emphasis on two bedrooms (up to 428 from 138), which is good. One bedrooms are down to 832 from 1,132.

The total FSI is down to 19.28 from 21.83. Tower separation is up to the minimum 25m from a previously proposed 22m.

Too bad it's still such an uninspiring project for this amount of ask.

The current proposal is down to 59 and 69 storeys from the previous 64 and 75-storey plan.

Heights of the standard floors in these two towers will be 8 feet. There was a time recently when 9 feet was the new standard, but it looks like that's going to be the realm of high-end buildings only now.

The current proposal is down to 59 and 69 storeys from the previous 64 and 75-storey plan.

Heights of the standard floors in these two towers will be 8 feet. There was a time recently when 9 feet was the new standard, but it looks like that's going to be the realm of high-end buildings only now.

So in other words the tallest thing in this development is going to be 600-650 ft. tall, a bit under 200m
I updated the dataBase file to reflect 233 metres as per the latest architectural plans. To that 8 feet from floor to ceiling you have to add another half a foot or so for the slabs, then the podium floors are higher, and the uppermost 10 floors or so are higher, then you've got mechanical. So, 233 metres or about 765 feet.

In a November 14 decision, the OMB allowed an appeal, in part, by Concord Adex Developments against the City’s failure to make a decision on its zoning by-law amendment and site plan applications.

Concord had initially proposed to develop two residential towers, 79 and 68 storeys, however prior to the hearing a settlement was reached between Concord and the city leading to a revised proposal for a 59 and 69-storey towers containing 1,364 units and an FSI of 20.83.

Concord will also enter into a $7-million Section 37 agreement for the YMCA at 505 Richmond St W and other community benefits
Financing is all that matters. Until we have adequate financing, it's more of a dream than a plan.
Yeah i know, same was said about transit 50 years ago, look what we got....SQUAT
..........you have to start somewhere if you want it to be reality, why not section37 with all the proposals going on?, after all they're saying this is a park for all Torontonians
