Would love to see it happen. Same with the Downtown Relief line. But the financing for these projects remains elusive. The problem is not really fiscal, it's political - and it requires leadership. And the people of the GTA have to get behind that leadership.

But as long as people demand substantial infrastructure improvements at (magically) no extra cost, we remain at square one.
What you cannot do is plan a YMCA, make announcements, put the wheels in motion, then pull millions of dollars from it when a sexier project comes up. That's the kind of thinking that stops things from happening: if you keep pulling funds for the next big thing, nothing gets built. This is a simplification, but the YMCA came before Rail Deck Park, so we pay for the Y, then figure out where to find Rail Deck Park funds next.

Ya that's fair. Things should be followed through absolutely. But moving forward I think they should definitely be thinking about using section 37 for the rail deck
Yeah i know, same was said about transit 50 years ago, look what we got....SQUAT
..........you have to start somewhere if you want it to be reality, why not section37 with all the proposals going on?, after all they're saying this is a park for all Torontonians

It's patently untrue that no transit has been built in the last 50 years, and it's not a helpful contribution to this discussion.

Also, section 37 isn't magic and the numbers aren't particularly big, especially when weighed against both the $30 billion capital project backlog and the yearly budget/operating revenue crisis which has been a purely political creation.
It's like Condord just accepted that people hate Cityplace and are just doubling down on profits cause it's not like public confidence can go any lower.

'They hate us anyway, might as well show them why.'

One last chance to make a mark....on our balance sheet. And hell, they milked more out of that particular lot than originally envisioned as well while going from Busby (now Perkin + Wills) to a "competition" that gave us P+S - like why even bother?

It's not as if anyone had high expectations left for the " finale ", given the amount of time this developer has waffled. Still, it's disappointing to envisage such a prominent site built out in so pedestrian terms.
What an absolute shame. What should be landmark towers will be the typical Concord shite with some feeble artistic motif to make it look "innovative."
They should keep the name "Block 22". It suits the disdainful somnolent conventionality of the whole project. Remember something about "Signature Tower"? I guess that notion went out the window long ago. What a bevy of boring buildings.

So eloquent but, c'mon, design wise not all the buildings are bad or boring. The first phase were way ahead of their time. I do agree with the above statement. Concord pretty much gave up after Parade. It's a residential community. It's never going to be a destination. I don't believe it needed to be. Vancouverism is not my thing either. There is still lots of potential that, eventually, all those real estates office occupying the live work units will give way to more interesting businesses.

People really need to stop looking at things from a macro, 20 tower scale. Oh, this place sucks because there is too much blue green glass. That's how trends work. Most of our neighbourhoods began stylistically and/or colour wise monochromatic. Large developments that force diversity rarely pull it off successfully. They still look planned and fake.
So eloquent but, c'mon, design wise not all the buildings are bad or boring. The first phase were way ahead of their time. I do agree with the above statement. Concord pretty much gave up after Parade. It's a residential community. It's never going to be a destination. I don't believe it needed to be. Vancouverism is not my thing either. There is still lots of potential that, eventually, all those real estates office occupying the live work units will give way to more interesting businesses.

People really need to stop looking at things from a macro, 20 tower scale. Oh, this place sucks because there is too much blue green glass. That's how trends work. Most of our neighbourhoods began stylistically and/or colour wise monochromatic. Large developments that force diversity rarely pull it off successfully. They still look planned and fake.
I must confess to being an eager proponent of boxy skyscrapers (hence my avatar of FCP), but Cityplace, whatever small merits individual buildings might have, just looks like an accretion of uninspired gunmetal-grey and seafoam slabs. And that it's in such a conspicuous place near the waterfront, rather than up here in North York or over in Mississauga, is what makes it such a travesty of lost opportunities. Imagine what visionary wonders could be standing on that acreage. Instead we have this drab tableau (well, at least the park is pretty nice):

