So the heights here will be similar to the two Ice Condos? it will definitely have an impact in the area similar to what Eau de Soleil has done @ Humber Bay Shores
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The city should have demanded more from Concord in terms of architecture due to the proximity of these big tall building to the Rogers Center
They could have been landmark structures in tandem to the dome as seen from the lake's skyline views
The city should have demanded more from Concord in terms of architecture due to the proximity of these big tall building to the Rogers Center
They could have been landmark structures in tandem to the dome as seen from the lake's skyline views
The City doesn't have much they can do in regards to demanding better architecture. What would you have them do?

I'm glad they don't, actually. I can't imagine a committee of public servants would be able to successfully come up with "better architecture;" hell, even UT's own diverse nerdy membership can't agree on what constitutes good architecture - how could we expect any arm of the gubbmint to do better than that?
I'm glad they don't, actually. I can't imagine a committee of public servants would be able to successfully come up with "better architecture;" hell, even UT's own diverse nerdy membership can't agree on what constitutes good architecture - how could we expect any arm of the gubbmint to do better than that?

Could it be worse than what we have now? Now our architecture is completely ruled by developers building as big as possible as cheaply as possible.
councillors can atleast force the developers to build condos with less balconies, like tenyork or Shanghai Toronto. buildings without balconies or less balconies look better.
Not to mention fixations about the presence or lack of balconies are hardly useful a useful litmus test for discussions about what constitutes "good" architecture. Those pesky personal preferences again.
Could it be worse than what we have now? Now our architecture is completely ruled by developers building as big as possible as cheaply as possible.
In one word: yes. It could be worse, very easily. Especially with a rule-by-committee approach in an era where dumbing things down is generally regarded as the height of brilliance.
Could it be worse than what we have now? Now our architecture is completely ruled by developers building as big as possible as cheaply as possible.

It can get a lot worse.

Checkout Calgary public housing buildings. That's closer to what building as cheaply as possible (while dealing with Canadian weather) looks like.


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