Some pics taken yesterday, Nov. 5th, 2023:

First, one from a distance: (laneway east of Spadina, running North off Harbord:


Now from much closer:





Okay, I was trying hold off judgment on this project until it's completion. I was previously saying "I know it's Concord Adex, but I think this one is going to turn out okay".

This thing is a heaping pile of dog crap like everything they've put up in the area. This one company is literally ruining our city.
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Was the maple leaf motif VE'd or was it just terribly executed?
I was about to ask: is that spandrel cladding supposed to have some sort of a design? Or are they randomly cladding the spandrel in whatever color they have on hand at the moment?

So it is supposed to be a maple leaf, huh?.. 🤔

I would have never guessed, to be honest.
Further to the earlier comment which wondered as to whether the taller of the Canada House towers might be topped off - vertical support column rebar has been installed for another floor - so at least one more floor to go.

Lots of firetrucks on Friday night, not sure what happened. (Added Nov. 11th photo too)

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Hmm so that's where all the commotion was headed to the other night. I've never heard so many sirens headed towards one area before in my life (and i'm not being sarcastic it was at least over 12).

This is the 2nd time in the past 6 months where there's been some kind of major incident on this site.
