Will the public art here follow a similar format to Tango at Concord Park Place?

I can't imagine P&S framing the public art component very well. Tango looks like an air freshener.
I blame city council and the province for seeming apathetic to architecture and making Toronto a better looking city. I hate to see good opportunities just squandered.

The electorate in general doesn't care (or know), so why would you expect the politicians to care (or know)?

Remember, when the City was looking to have the Railway Lands developed, all they cared about was picking a developer that would get it done...that's all. How it looked was irrelevant. The other obvious mistake was giving it all to a single developer.

Toronto is the kind of city that elects something as stupid as Rob Ford for its mayor and thinks to stop cutting the grass in the parks is a good way to save money.

You are simply expecting waaaaaaay too much.
How did the city have any say on who developed the rail lands? It was not city land that was sold to Concord.

While the Railway Lands were not "owned" by the municipality per say (Canada Lands is a Crown Corp), all of the schemes for this have been in collaboration with and negotiated with the City. In other words, the City has always ultimately been in control of how this land was to be developed.
Best? I don't consider Trump Tower even remotely decent by any measure.


Alvino D., regarding the Trump Tower: I really liked it from the time it was envisioned, to it's renders and right up to the time it was topped off. However after reading
unending criticism, slagging, including idiotic comments from our own resident mADMAn likening the spire to a rectal thermometer I too began to think it was less than
elegant. Then two weeks ago I wandered into"Cloud Gardens", and lo and behold The Trump had disappeared behind the facade of BA 2. If BA 2 is the measure of decency
than I would say that you're off your rocker. BA 2 is a soulless stinking heap of glass and The Trump is a fr...n masterpiece. Flanked by Scotia Place and BA 1 it"s colour
and stature seemed just right. Well that view is gone and I miss it. I still think it looks splendid when walking eastward towards it along Adelaide.
Alvino D., regarding the Trump Tower: I really liked it from the time it was envisioned, to it's renders and right up to the time it was topped off. However after reading unending criticism, slagging, including idiotic comments from our own resident mADMAn likening the spire to a rectal thermometer I too began to think it was less than elegant. Then two weeks ago I wandered into"Cloud Gardens", and lo and behold The Trump had disappeared behind the facade of BA 2. If BA 2 is the measure of decency than I would say that you're off your rocker. BA 2 is a soulless stinking heap of glass and The Trump is a fr...n masterpiece. Flanked by Scotia Place and BA 1 it"s colour and stature seemed just right. Well that view is gone and I miss it. I still think it looks splendid when walking eastward towards it along Adelaide.

It might be soulless corporate architecture, but at least it is well executed. Trump Tower promised much, but delivered little beyond kitsch. No matter, both are done deals at this point and it is pretty safe to say that neither are remotely great.

Alvino D., regarding the Trump Tower: I really liked it from the time it was envisioned, to it's renders and right up to the time it was topped off. However after reading
unending criticism, slagging, including idiotic comments from our own resident mADMAn likening the spire to a rectal thermometer I too began to think it was less than
elegant. Then two weeks ago I wandered into"Cloud Gardens", and lo and behold The Trump had disappeared behind the facade of BA 2. If BA 2 is the measure of decency
than I would say that you're off your rocker. BA 2 is a soulless stinking heap of glass and The Trump is a fr...n masterpiece. Flanked by Scotia Place and BA 1 it"s colour
and stature seemed just right. Well that view is gone and I miss it. I still think it looks splendid when walking eastward towards it along Adelaide.

I'm no Bay Adelaide fanboy but wow, just wow.
I'm no Bay Adelaide fanboy but wow, just wow.

Concord Adex is thinking even bigger for its next public art project. In addition to an eight-acre “art park†planned for Park Place, Mr. Leung says the public can expect big things from the planned flagship CityPlace tower adjacent to the Rogers Centre. The landlord is aiming to build 70 storeys, making for an installation twice the size of Spring.

“It’s our final hurrah for CityPlace,†Mr. Leung says. “It would be a huge piece of art, coming down on all four sides of the building, down to the ground level.

“It’s our final hurrah for CityPlace,” Mr. Leung says. “It would be a huge piece of art, coming down on all four sides of the building, down to the ground level.

More like their final f you to the city's skyline.
More like their final f you to the city's skyline.

Concord is not only a blight on the skyline, but it goes deeper than that. It's a builder that basically purchased all it's products from China for their developments. It's no surprise that many of the products used in their developments (light fixtures, door handles, balcony glass) have failed within a few years. Instead of spending extra money on quality US or Canadian made products with warranties, they decided to buy everything from China with no warranties. What they end up doing is replacing the crap with more crap. It's a never ending cycle. It really is a poor development company if you dig deeper.
Concord is not only a blight on the skyline, but it goes deeper than that. It's a builder that basically purchased all it's products from China for their developments. It's no surprise that many of the products used in their developments (light fixtures, door handles, balcony glass) have failed within a few years. Instead of spending extra money on quality US or Canadian made products with warranties, they decided to buy everything from China with no warranties. What they end up doing is replacing the crap with more crap. It's a never ending cycle. It really is a poor development company if you dig deeper.

They have appliances like Bosch and Miele in CP units, so that is false. Not much is really US or Canadian-made these days anyways.
They have appliances like Bosch and Miele in CP units, so that is false. Not much is really US or Canadian-made these days anyways.

That might be the case, but everything in the buildings and specifically Concord buildings is bottom of the barrel crap. And I know this first hand. I have see it, I have dealt with it. Throwing in an incentive like Miele and Bosch is just putting lipstick on a pig.
