Not sure about this project - but there is a Toronto firm behind the architectural models for a large number of high profile projects:

My plastics class in school was taught by an architectural model maker - insane levels of detail and ingenuity goes into making these. Utmost respect for those in that profession.
Great video on them being built in China

Not sure about this project - but there is a Toronto firm behind the architectural models for a large number of high profile projects:

Always wondered what happened to the models once the project was done. As far as I know, they usually go back to the architect, the model-maker, or whoever wants to keep it (sometimes the developer), but the model more often than not disappears from public eye, and may end up quietly disposed of years later after being forgotten about. A shame, as modelmaking's very much a craft of its own, with its own techniques, history, and artistic flair- and the models also serve as an highly tangible documentation of a city's architectural history.

How wonderful would it be if these models were kept for public viewing, like the Musée des Plans-Reliefs in France, or these model museums in China and Japan!

They could even move the city hall model there (after giving it a good dusting).
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The MoMA in New York had a great exhibit of architectural models but closed that portion of the gallery while they finished up the Jean Nouvel extension. If it reopens, highly recommend checking it out!

The Architecture Museum in Paris is basically heaven if you like architectural models, it's incredible. Similarly, the Fondation Louis Vuitton has a whole gallery focused on the Frank Gehry building, quite cool.
March 5, 2020

Not sure about this project - but there is a Toronto firm behind the architectural models for a large number of high profile projects:

We've also visited Myles Burke's workshop:
It seems like a very fun job indeed
Breaks my heart that 4 or 5 major projects underway are in legal/city stasis. Maybe all be sorted.

hope Cresford finds a parter/investor (good projects) and Mizrha (sp) too.

As for the models, perfect opportunity for UT to host a special visit (if you have room). Everyone loves models..
As for the models, perfect opportunity for UT to host a special visit (if you have room). Everyone loves models..

We'd certainly take one special one for our office if anybody is looking for a nice home for a model otherwise slated for the dump.
Why is Cresford creating models for buildings that have sold out (or are close to it) - 2 years ago, in the case of 33 Yorkville...

So this is mostly speculation, but it seems to me that Cresford has been posting much more frequently to its social media channels since the news of the lawsuit first broke publicly; the pace of posting has significantly picked up since then (presumably to give the appearance to past and future purchasers/investors and, potentially, those who might be interested in taking a more significant stake in one or more of their current projects, that the extant projects are on more solid footing than the lawsuit makes it appear).

When your marketing/comms department isn't set up to post as frequently as you all of a sudden find yourself doing, you wind up grasping at straws for content -- here, perhaps, pics of old models that they never posted when they were actually taken.
