Like it, but I have some unease over how it will actually get executed. Anyone can show pretty renderings - not everyone can produce end products that match them. Ryerson should definitely snap up the mid-podium floors - and they can potentially be accessed through the existing building through new skybridges.

Like it, but I have some unease over how it will actually get executed. Anyone can show pretty renderings - not everyone can produce end products that match them. Ryerson should definitely snap up the mid-podium floors - and they can potentially be accessed through the existing building through new skybridges.

Do this and have underground tunnels between this, Aura and Yonge-Dundas, and this will be a slam-dunk of a win for Toronto!
Like it, but I have some unease over how it will actually get executed. Anyone can show pretty renderings - not everyone can produce end products that match them.


KingSett and Quadrangle teamed up to bring 155 Cumberland/130 Bloor to life a few years ago… here's hoping the execution equals the promise of the renderings… because I think this one could be superb. I agree with Lenser that there's an awkwardness here, but for me it's an entirely charming and exciting awkwardness, like a Wes Anderson movie.

This is the project I am the most excited about. I will seriously consider getting a unit here. The area is going to be buzzing with activity in ten years in a way that may be somewhat hard to imagine right now. There will be nowhere even remotely comparable or even have a chance of becoming remotely comparable anywhere else in Canada. With very significant development going to happen in all four cardinal directions the area is going to be jam packed every day of the year save for inclement weather. Who knows we may even have significantly better last call hours by then and it could really start to have a mini NYC feel. This project, contingent on the obvious things true of all projects, is now at the top of my list of favourites. (Cue the gloom crew!)
KingSett and Quadrangle teamed up to bring 155 Cumberland/130 Bloor to life a few years ago… here's hoping the execution equals the promise of the renderings… because I think this one could be superb. I agree with Lenser that there's an awkwardness here, but for me it's an entirely charming and exciting awkwardness, like a Wes Anderson movie.


I find the execution of 130 Bloor wanting - it was certainly disappointing compared to the initial hype. One can only hope that this project will fare better.

Nice to see something striking, slender and soaring going up on that corner but I'm not sure about how the skybridge works with the towers. It looks awkward and unresolved to me. Maybe it's the transition above it for a more curvacious handling on the corners of the shorter tower... but I think it's more the massing of the bridge itself. It seems the one inelegant part of the whole.

The texture and materials look promising.

The skybridge looks odd because it's out of proportion with the towers and while the towers are very 'busy' with details the skybridge is a fairly simple design. Change either one of those and it would probably fit in fine. Not sure about the transition to smooth rounded glass on the South tower though, looks awkward too.
I think it might be more interestng if there a slightly greater difference in height between the towers. Take a couple of storeys from the shorter tower and add them to the taller. If I were a computer whiz, I would try that out to see how it would look.
Is Alonzo Hawk building it?
This will be a fantastic addition to Yonge and Toronto. Hopefully it doesn't change much before approval. Only downside is losing Big Slice :( I'm sure they'll move to another location in the area, though

I think it might be more interestng if there a slightly greater difference in height between the towers. Take a couple of storeys from the shorter tower and add them to the taller. If I were a computer whiz, I would try that out to see how it would look.

The specs say they are 11 stories apart for height but it sure doesn't look like that.
It looks good so far! It needs to plug into the PATH both northwards and southwards. Maybe we can get moving on that northern exit to Dundas station.
