I feel like when you ask for a KPF tower you are asking for an angular silver glass tower. That is their thing. It would be more. Othersome if it was a different firm using their design language. And actually... I would be super thrilled with a ruby red.

The term that comes to mind when imagining a ruby-red skyscraper is "Mordor-chic". There should be an eye floating above it or something. Maybe an evil sorcerer on the top terrace (DMW? Kouvalis?).
I think having a red tower would add some interest to what's becoming a fairly bland skyline...I wouldn't want to live in it though. I think looking outside and seeing everything cast in a shade of red would eventually drive me nuts.
Ya I wasn't too serious. I'd love a bold red tower or two but maybe not the tallest building in the city. My first choice would be black. Maybe gold maybe a deep blue/violet. A well done silver is fine with me though if it's good quality and not all junked up with clear balconies.
We already do have a reddish tower with a red eye....

Scotia is not a reddish glass tower. 393 King is a reddish glass tower. (achieved through a thicker, coloured coating instead of a tint) The two thinks that keep me in Toronto is spiders that don't look back and a thin, clear, low e coating is usually sufficient.
I'd prefer seeing an aA tower here or maybe something by SHoP. KPF strikes me as a very safe choice.
aA is the architect of record here, no?

With the type of height we are talking about here, your choices in architects drops too. KPF has a lot of experience with extremely tall buildings - the design and engineering is very different on projects of this scale than with buildings in the 50 floor range.
I think on Cresford's part there are a certain number of people with a vague interest in architecture who will go 'Oh yeah, KPF, they do a lot of good stuff'. There is a tangible power that a name-brand (even if safe) architect will have on sales.
I think this is a great proposal. Really great, with one reservation -- I too would like to see a little bit of colour added here, perhaps coloured mullions.
this is really amazing! so any idea when the approval might come down? seems like one of the less controversial projects being proposed these days...
I'd expect that heigh fears will likely take their toll of this proposal. Approval may take a while.
