I don't think NYC has any under construction right now. They opened 2 different extensions in the last few years though, some of the first in something like 50 years.
My bad, seems it's The Second Avenue Subway and the first phase was completed last year (just Googled it). I had been reading about it in reference to cost overruns... where, I forget.
Neither one, but those look great, thanks. No, the original story I read was months ago now and it was probably an item in Digg... maybe even Reddit.
South of border is definitely not the place this city should be looking for inspiration. To really see how desperately inadequate our subway is one has just to visit the average large city in Europe. Berlin and Madrid are two cities of similar size to Toronto and have systems that put ours to shame. And yes I know they had a head start by several decades but that still does not account for vast difference in size and coverage- Madrid, a city of 6M, has 13 lines.

That's impressive indeed. Really puts Toronto in perspective, doesn't it.

Europe didn't really experience the glorification of the car like North America did. We pretty much invented urban sprawl and car dependency. Now we're trying to change that up but old habits die hard.

Here we are, still talking about the Relief line. Still talking about how to fund it and if it can be built sooner rather than later. Pretty sad.
I had an opportunity to use Berlin's transit system daily for a few months back in 2010. I was travelling from Mitte downtown to a suburb where the Freie Universitat is. I believe I transferred six subway lines, and the trip was around 45 minutes. Never once was I delayed and no trains were stuffed at rush hour. Coming back to Toronto was depressing, to be honest.

The public transit debate in this city is one of the major factors causing me to lose faith in Toronto. Sucks, as it's home. But it's true.
I am feeling the same way lately. I moved to Toronto 10 years ago and while transit was a frustration, I just see so little progress. I have a commute that doesn't even entirely cross the downtown core and I spend most days - unless I leave extremely early - doing a 45 minute to 1 hour (!) commute. That is remaining within the boundaries of downtown. I often watch 3 or 4 streetcars pass by that are packed to the brim with people.

Last summer - far too late for how long I've lived here - I discovered the joy of cycling to get around in the nicer months. I only find it feasible in the spring and summer, but it cut my commuting times down to almost nothing. Can't wait for the spring to get here so I can go back to avoiding the TTC entirely.
Back on topic please.

Like many others who choose to live downtown, I walk to work. In minutes. Thru the PATH when the weather sucks. I avoid public transit as much as possible.

We should have a vastly improved system but the money to pay for it is apparently urinated away by the City and the Province, with the Feds running a strong campaign for #1. Together, hundreds of $$ Billions of debt added by all 3 levels but there's nothing to show for it? I mean, can anyone point to a new bridge, or airport, or Highway, or a giant leap for Peoplekind on the Moon as an example of who got the cheques? To me absolutely NOTHING has changed except the hole in my pocket is measurably larger.

This is NOT a political commentary. It is a question of fiscal responsibility. Of priorities. Why can't we have new subways? Like, now.

Lucy, please spaln it to me.
I mean, can anyone point to a new bridge, or airport, or Highway, or a giant leap for Peoplekind on the Moon as an example of who got the cheques

Beyond the fact that this is OT - you are on a forum with multiple threads dedicated to projects that are examples of who "got the cheques". Surely you can find them yourself?

