Taken on April 1st.

1.) More concrete was poured on the south side of what will be P4. Crew of 2 power troweling the new slab.

2.) Where I believe would be the future elevator lobby in the parking area.

3.) General pictures. Sorry, too lazy to make this a panoramic.
The excavator was removed from the pit this morning by a heavy crane truck. The last bit of exposed earth at the southeast corner had some plumbing installed and was filled in with gravel over the past couple of days. Looks like they're ready to cover the last bit of exposed soil with concrete slab. I don't know why but that's a weird psychological milestone that says it's really under way. :D
We had a condo meeting at Bloor Walk 1 on the 22nd of March, and afterward I asked our new property manager about the parking situation (since there are those obvious ramps in the Couture pit.) On the inside of our own parking garages you can see the other side of those cinder block segments, which would suggest they'll be knocked out and replaced with garage door. The PM confirmed that yes, our parking access will be converted to going through Couture's garage, with our new exit and entrance ramp on Ted Rogers Way. Gone will be the days of navigating the wretchedly narrow passageway of CREIT's garage, being nearly run into by speeding executive douchebags in luxury German autos. I can't wait.
Spring is in the air. And you are right cats - my view will slowly shrink, but I will get to see X2, Couture, Chaz, Casa2? and even 1Bloor rise from this location.

[Taken 14/04/2011]

Some portions of the structure along with numerous pillars are at ground level now

It's amazing how big that hole is given it is a rather ordinary sized 40ish story tower. Must be a very generous allotment of parking for this building.
We had a condo meeting at Bloor Walk 1 on the 22nd of March, and afterward I asked our new property manager about the parking situation (since there are those obvious ramps in the Couture pit.) On the inside of our own parking garages you can see the other side of those cinder block segments, which would suggest they'll be knocked out and replaced with garage door. The PM confirmed that yes, our parking access will be converted to going through Couture's garage, with our new exit and entrance ramp on Ted Rogers Way. Gone will be the days of navigating the wretchedly narrow passageway of CREIT's garage, being nearly run into by speeding executive douchebags in luxury German autos. I can't wait.

Thanks for that update! Good riddance to using the old garage (not that I use my parking space for anything more than visitor's parking, but still!)
It's amazing how big that hole is given it is a rather ordinary sized 40ish story tower. Must be a very generous allotment of parking for this building.

Not generous enough...I couldn't purchase one even with their 'guaranteed' parking space for suites 600sqft and above.
Not generous enough...I couldn't purchase one even with their 'guaranteed' parking space for suites 600sqft and above.

Wow...go figure. Should get a price reduction or something if they can't guarantee you a 'guaranteed' parking spot! Did you get to the project late?
I walked by the site Saturday night and noticed the electrical conduits in the form. It looks very sloppy and branches out like a spider web from the JB instead of running parallel to building lines which is what I'd like to see. Not sure how this will affect future garage slab maintenance work...maybe I'm just too picky.
