That's how it's supposed to be done. It'd be a lot harder to pull wires through the conduit if it were run with 90 degree turns in it.
Taken May/27th/2011

Mike...thanks for that photo. Wow...i didn't know X had an outdoor pool. Looks nice on the podium there. I hope X2 doesn't cast shadows over that.
i didn't know X had an outdoor pool...... I hope X2 doesn't cast shadows over that.

you can surely bet that X's podium/pool will be affected by X2's shadow, as X2's tower footprint is located immediately to the south of the area in question
It won't be that bad. You have the afternoon sun and with the pool being open from 10am till 10pm, that gives people more than enough time to catch some rays.
you can surely bet that X's podium/pool will be affected by X2's shadow, as X2's tower footprint is located immediately to the south of the area in question

I'll tell'd be surprised! That sun goes very high in the sky and the midday shadows aren't so long. For example, BSN is on the north side of Charles with the 50 story CASA to the south, and i'm amazed at how much sun hits BSN, even quite low down. And by about 1pm the sun has moved to the West enough that i believe it would be at the side of X2 as it continues west and lower, so the pool would catch the sun likely all afternoon. But just wasn't sure exactly where X2 sits on that lot. Is the X2 podium to the east or west of the tower?
the X2 podium is situated on the east side of that tower (basically a 'flipped' version of X)
Yes, but it'll be a higher podium with about six levels of apartments and retail at the street level.
June 6th, from above facing Jarvis Street

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

the X2 podium is situated on the east side of that tower (basically a 'flipped' version of X)

That kind of sucks! Going to take away a chunk of SW view from X and Couture. I hope the main tower is not too far from Jarvis.

Regarding the pool issue at X...i think now that it will block about 1 hour of sun in the early afternoon....probably from about 12:30 to 1:30 pm or so, though portions of the pool deck will find some sun at the corners/ends during this time i expect.
That kind of sucks! Going to take away a chunk of SW view from X and Couture. I hope the main tower is not too far from Jarvis.

Regarding the pool issue at X...i think now that it will block about 1 hour of sun in the early afternoon....probably from about 12:30 to 1:30 pm or so, though portions of the pool deck will find some sun at the corners/ends during this time i expect.

X2 will block the pool area mid-day but should clear by perhaps 1 or 2pm or so. Below is a sketchup showing X, X2 and Couture done by the great wyliepoon, facing south-east. X2 will be higher than shown as they got approval for more floors since wyliepoon did this sketchup.

dt, i think Couture could protrude out further than shown in the photo. The hole being dug for Couture now goes close to the end of the podium on X. Some of that will just be underground parking, but i suspect that Couture will sit out further West than is shown in the mock up.
dt, i think Couture could protrude out further than shown in the photo. The hole being dug for Couture now goes close to the end of the podium on X. Some of that will just be underground parking, but i suspect that Couture will sit out further West than is shown in the mock up.

Could very well be but I don't think by much. If memory serves there will be some sort of green-space in behind Couture shared with Bloor Walk and I think there was also an issue with natural light through the north windows of St. Paul's Anglican Church that they didn't want blocked by a high-rise. I'm pretty sure I read something about that in the Staff Report.
Could very well be but I don't think by much. If memory serves there will be some sort of green-space in behind Couture shared with Bloor Walk and I think there was also an issue with natural light through the north windows of St. Paul's Anglican Church that they didn't want blocked by a high-rise. I'm pretty sure I read something about that in the Staff Report.

yes...there is quite a sizeable section of 'green' planned on the west side there. Enough to play some touch football! This will be a nice feature of Couture i believe, that you can come out the back door and hang out in the greenery. Just hope they don't let the F%!@# dogs on there! (Drives me nuts the way the small city parks get ruined by everyone's damn dog)
