Let's hope Couture retains the glass-and-aluminium look of the rendering once built, unlike Montage and Neo down at CityPlace. If so, it should be quite elegant, except for the itty-bitty 'podium,' which ought to be eliminated, allowing the building to soar unimpeded from the sidewalk, save for a simple entrance-marquis. I'd be pleased if Couture ended up looking something like Le Cartier (c.1964) in Montreal.

If so, it should be quite elegant, except for the itty-bitty 'podium,' which ought to be eliminated, allowing the building to soar unimpeded from the sidewalk, save for a simple entrance-marquis.

A French nobleman, only entered once, is moving in here?
called the sales office today and the girl said the builder is 50% sold, she also mentioned the builder "holds back" some units for future sale, not sure how that works....
Couture Sales Office

Some photos of the completed Couture Sales Office if anyone is interested. They recently added "44 Storeys" to the sign on Jarvis Street



Thanks for the photo especially in such weather condition...
I wonder what Mike in TO said....I can't see the comment.....
Oy...that's a barren, windswept landscape with that empty lot. Construction can't start soon enough...

Indeed. In the second photo you can see X-cavation happening at the X Condo site, so it's beginning.
Someone reported that this building is already 50% sold so if the market holds, we may see a hole in the ground there sometime next summer. It'll make for a handsome entrance to Jarvis Street from Bloor once these are complete, especially X.
yep, totally agree with the previous 2 comments... those photos make that section of the city look like total crap, worse than reality infact. But these 2 significant buildings are going to consolidate that upper stretch of Jarvis just wonderfully! The Bloor/Jarvis/Mt. Pleasant intersection should look mighty impressive. Bloor has a lot going for it along this section with some of those older insurance company buildings and I think these new towers should play off those nicely.
shoppyfun: do you work for Hoax Couture? Maybe they'll take a retail shop@base here since this is "near Yorkville."

I think I already explained to you urbandreamer about why I am so focused on this development (see previous posts). I doubt my career choice is any of your interest.

urbandreamer: Why do you think everyone has ulterior motive? Not everything are some sort of conspiracy. Most people come to this site to seek or provide info. And you know what, unlike you, I'd rather live in a condo than being homeless, but that's just me.
Hmm well shoppyfun 'tis true i'm prone to being suspicious--the sag in me i'm afraid i can't change:) It's just certain people only post on one development thread and that makes me suspicious--advertorials don't appeal to me;)

now as a funny quick-witted guy (i'm assuming you're female with your name--correct me if wrong) i'm tempted to make a snarky funny remark; but I gotta remind myself this isn't jdate....

I wouldn't live in a condo for the following reason: group think--i hate! ("team" work, condo boards, fussy rules, etc. ugh. I'm a loner and have to be the boss of everything; and i'm really really really really cheap.)
Well I guess you did annoy me a bit by asking the same type of questions twice in such short period of time (I assume you are a guy). And no this is not the only thread I've posted my comment. I am not as knowledgeable as many of you about real estate so I choose to read instead of write. It's better for me to keep my mouth shut instead of saying something useless don't you think?
Well with so many smiley faces I can see you are a funny quick-witted guy. And you are right, condo is not for everyone.
