Construction Pictures

Length to length video from this morning of the entire site. Seems like the presentation centre is almost built. Lots of progress on crosstown place and crosstown 1,3 and crest.

Good post! Provides a comprehensive look at the progress.
Call me cynical, but I doubt there will be much to get weepy over in this area when it's all built out...

From sentimental to wistful...........

It's always an emotional ride with @Towered


If after dark, these emotions may be experienced while in a hallucinatory state, in an abode of ill-repute; or at least that's what I've heard.
Crosstown Community Recreation Centre Update

The Don Mills Residents Incorporated signed a settlement with the City to proceed with the development of a smaller community centre in the spirit condos which is going for sale in the second half of this year. This now paves the way for the community recreation centre to be built at the Crosstown Development without and hinderances...

See below email from the DMRI President

P.S. About time


Hello Residents of Don Mills:

The DMRI has signed a Settlement with the City of Toronto and Cadillac Fairview to partially settle the litigation over the Community Centre that was to be built at the north corner of The Donway West and Don Mills Road.

This Agreement with the City would allow a smaller community space, consisting of a multi-purpose gym, walking track and meeting rooms to be built on the first floor of a new condo to be built at 169 The Donway West. The DMRI, Cadillac Fairview and its building partner Lanterra Developments have been working on this community space for over three years. This space will not cost the City any money and will be fully funded by Cadillac Fairview.

In order for the City and our councillor to approve this community space, the City demanded that the DMRI drop our appeal to the Court. The DMRI came up with a compromise. We would modify our appeal to ask only that the courts decide damages, and not injunctive relief. This would allow the community to obtain the smaller community space and still have the courts determine the validity of the original Minutes of Settlement from over 12 years ago.

On Monday the DMRI and its legal team will be arguing our case in front of a three-judge panel at the Ontario Court of Appeal. The DMRI appealed as we felt there were serious errors in law and in fact. We look forward to Ontario’s highest court reviewing these errors.

The DMRI has been able to achieve the following because of the strength of its membership and support of the community.
  • A smaller 19,000 square foot community space that includes a multi-purpose gym, a walking track and meeting rooms, to be fully funded by Cadillac Fairview. Construction to begin in 2023.
  • The appeal of the the Minutes of Settlement to go ahead Monday April 11th to Determine if the City Breached the Settlement Agreement and to determine damages.
  • The land on which the original community centre was to be constructed to remain in public hands. Cadillac Fairview was given an additional12 years, by Denzil Minnan-Wong, to convey this land to the City, however we are hoping that it occurs much sooner.
Proposed Street names have been posted for the Crosstown Community

Notable Comments:

- Wynford Drive name will not continue but instead be named Moriyama Drive - this is by far the biggest surprise as I would have expected Wynford Drive to continue and would have been better imo and given Mr. Moriyama the Mike Palmateer Road instead. Just my thoughts. (a nice touch to Raymond Moriyama who was the architect for the Ontario Science Centre, Bata Shoe Museum, Ismaili Centre and Aga Khan Museum in the surrounding area)
- Kyle Lowry Road (nice touch to former Raptor and NBA Champion)
- Marjorie Hiley Road (Executive Director of Don Valley / Flemington Community Legal Services for 40 + Years)

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Just an FYI - I have created a dedicated thread for the townhomes Block 8 project. The project will be going on sale towards the end of June. There will be two types of units (1800 Sqf and 2700 sqf) Will be freehold units with a puddle fee approximately $100-150. Completion likely to be towards the end of 2024.

