Seems Matlow can't decide whether it's green space park or open space square either,..... "Further down the line, Josh Matlow is also pushing hard for a park or square to be included in plans for the unused TTC bus station on the southwest side of the main intersection. It’s slated to be used as a staging ground for LRT construction in coming years, but Matlow is calling for the city to include a green space that could be used for a famers’ market or just by lunching workers."

The interesting part here is that most of the land is owned by the City, in which case the City can convert the entire City owned land to whatever it wants including green-space park or open-space square. But even that doesn't make sense because this cash-strapped city will be missing out on too much cash,.... most likely the City will sell off the land and keep easement below for transit needs (subway line, lrt line, bus terminal, etc,..),.... in which case, when private developer develops on the land there's always requirement for Section37 Community Benefits, parkland dedications, etc,.... and those can be aimed towards this site,.... in which case, public realm will end up with a small green-space parkette or open-space square that'll typically cover about 10% of the original land lot size,.... and that little green-space parkette or open-space square will be placed along Duplex further from Yonge where the land is less expensive and desirable for higher density development.

There's already large green space relatively closeby at Eglinton Park and NorthTorontoMemorialCommunityCentre a few blocks to the west of this site:


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Matlow has always known that there isn't a chance that he can get the whole space for public use: it's simply too valuable—it's where two rapid transit lines meet for goodness' sake. He can certainly call for public space though, and the electorate will think kindly of him for it.

When this site gets rezoned from transit usage to high-density residential-office-retail or whatever, the Section37 CommunityBenefit fees the developer must pay will be relatively large due to the relative increase in density, height, zoning changes, etc,.... there'll also be a parkland dedication contribution which usually goes off-site. I really don't see that becoming on-site as in on-site green-space parkette being given to the city at this site,... that rarely happens with high-density development mainly because the land is too valuable and useful for development,... and the city really doesn't want the responsibility and on-going cost of maintaining anything!

What will more likely happen is developer dedicate a small on-site open-space square to become POPS (Privately Owned Public Space) that'll become a public realm square. And the city will prefer this because it's the developer's responsibility to maintain it. For the open-space square, the developer will likely pick a corner where it's more challenging and thus expensive to build something on top of,... like at Tridel HullmarkCentre the immediate southeast corner of Yonge & Sheppard hosts a subway WYE turning tunnel so any large structure built on top would need huge expensive supports engineered around the tunnel so - hey, that looks like a good place for an open-space public square! At this site, there's easement for underground transit infrastructure nearby and on-site which become strong candidate since it's more expensive to build directly on top,.... and also it limits the space for underground parking infrastructure so that'll be at a premium and built anywhere possible,... so on top, more likely to see open-space square.
From this link:

Eglinton Crosstown Update: Open House Meeting

Eglinton Station

Join us at our upcoming open house and learn about the future Eglinton Station, one of 15 underground stations on the new Eglinton line now under construction.

Join Metrolinx and its constructor, Crosslinx Transit Solutions (CTS), at an open house to find out:

  • what construction is happening in your neighbourhood
  • why it needs to happen
  • how it may impact you
  • who to contact if you have questions/concerns
  • when construction is happening

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

North Toronto Collegiate Institute - Commons (Cafeteria)

17 Broadway Avenue

The York Recreation Centre, at 115 Black Creek Drive, opened recently. It is located at the southeast corner of Black Creek Drive & Eglinton Avenue West. The Mount Dennis Transit Hub is located at the northwest corner of Black Creek Drive & Eglinton Avenue West.

When the Eglinton Crosstown LRT opens in a few years, buses would most likely be using an intersection at Keelesdale Road & Eglinton Avenue West. Currently, the road is used as an entry and exit to the No Frills from and from eastbound Eglinton Avenue traffic, only. It would be advantageous to have bus stops on Keelesdale Road, just as buses turn off or before turning onto Eglinton Avenue. That way people can walk a shorter distance to reach the York Recreation Centre.

Keelesdale Road.jpg

A shorter walk to and from the Recreation Centre and buses, as well as users of whatever, if they do so, of the triangle area.


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Note, it might be faster for anyone coming in from the west side on bus (that 95% of the bus traffic including the 27 Jane South, 32, 35, 89, 170 Emmett, 189 Weston Rocket, 195) to actually get off at Weston Rd and walk into the station oppose to waiting for the bus to loop around Keelesdale, Photography and the large bus terminal to get to the bus bay. The terminal is not directly located above the LRT platform either. Both ways a have similar walking distance.

I'm not please with the design and dislike large bus terminals as it added all these looping time to everyone's trip. In fact in most off peak time periods, it would be slower for anyone traveling from Jane/Eg to Keele/Eg compare to preconstruction.
Do we have detailed floorplans for Eglinton station yet?

I swear I remember seeing them floating around many months ago, but now I need to find them again.
Do we have detailed floorplans for Eglinton station yet?

I swear I remember seeing them floating around many months ago, but now I need to find them again. If anyone knows where to find it, I would greatly appreciate it!
Do we have detailed floorplans for Eglinton station yet?
I swear I remember seeing them floating around many months ago, but now I need to find them again.






Not sure if they are "detailed" (given it predate the final contract), but they are the ones that has been floating around. There are some renders on the crosstown site:



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Do we have detailed floorplans for Eglinton station yet?

I swear I remember seeing them floating around many months ago, but now I need to find them again. If anyone knows where to find it, I would greatly appreciate it!

I've kept the Environmental Assessment Reports on my hard drive, but likely there are twists and adjustments made over time, especially when they discover things not expected when they started the digging and tearing down. Likely don't even look like what they expected on the EA. At the moment, there is only what is at this link online.
There's a good chance that the Canada Square buildings will be partly or completely redeveloped along with the old bus terminal, and with much land potentially at play here, I would not be surprised if there were to be some green space in the mix. We're a ways from knowing what's coming here though.


I knew there were re-development plans here, but reading this City report again, I did not know the TTC holds all lands in their title, with leases the office buildings to a consortium, or that the potential re-development could cover the entire block.


The leases are due for long-term renewal in 2021. The City definitely sees the potential and has set up a "Canada Square Lands Steering Committee" chaired by the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B and includes various senior staff.

Other points of note from this second report:
  • Official Plan Amendment 63 recommended a number of things, including: a park on the southwest portion of the lands; a new -shaped road between Berwisk and Duplex; and a 120m height limit that transitions unto the neighbourhood.
  • The Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan calls for public squares here, as well as all other corners of Yonge and Eglinton.
  • TTC interests must be considered, including replacement of the existing interim bus terminal, and potential for TTC Head Office space.
The 120m height limit seems absurd to me, even with the goal of transitioning it down into the neighbourhood. Quantam 2 currently stands at 165 metres. E Condos and 2221 Yonge are currently under construction at 196 and 193 metres, respectively. 1 Eglinton East is proposed at 211 metres. But I guess the City has all the leverage it needs, owning the property.
Does anyone know if they have begun digging under Eglinton West station yet to connect the two tunnels on either side of it? I know they can't do that at yonge and eglinton until they extract the TBMS but it would make sense for them to be working on the western end at least.
Does anyone know if they have begun digging under Eglinton West station yet to connect the two tunnels on either side of it? I know they can't do that at yonge and eglinton until they extract the TBMS but it would make sense for them to be working on the western end at least.

I don't know if they have or haven't BUT a contractor wanting to make a profit will delay as much as possible while still reaching the deadline to minimize carrying costs on labour. They'll start with the deadline and work backward to determine the latest time when work on a section needs to be started. Of course, if labour is available and has nothing else to do then you put them to work.

I think Yonge is the critical path.
