FWIW I was in Edmonton this past week and had some opportunity to check out their LRT construction, and compare to the Crosstown.
My impression was that the Edmonton construction is even more disjointed than on Eglinton East, often being attacked on a block by block basis. One block would have track laid, but the next would not even be excavated, the next would be half complete, and so on.The construction method seemed to be to lay two separate track beds, leaving the median section bare earth and only pouring concrete in the median much later in the process.
Edmonton is working 7 days per week on the process, and (I was told) at night also. I did see portable lighting in spots. Much of the concrete work was being done under tenting.
One interesting touch was the erection of traditional crossbuck signage where tracks have been laid across roadways.... even though no track had been laid on either side of the crossing.
I had a peek at the elevated sections including the steelwork for one elevated station. Looked pretty nice - nothing for Torontonians to be averse to. Also noticed the steep climb up from the (a-building) river crossing. The Edmonton LRT spec calls for the ability to handle 6% gradients, so their Flexities must be capable of that.
Perhaps Toronto and Edmonton will end up with a friendly race to completion, similar to KW vs Ottawa.
- Paul