I wonder whether the lesson learned from Crosstown (and TYSSE, frankly) is whether deep bore tunnelling is all it was said to be. There may be locations where it was unavoidable - but could we have done parts of the job cut and cover, and how bad would that have been compared to the current hell on Eglinton?
The businesses on Eglinton would probably agree in hindsight that two years of excavation would have done them less harm than five years of blocked sidewalks etc. We may be more willing to bite the bullet on cut and cover on future lines (Ontario Line, take note) where is was a non starter when these last projects were planned.
Yea living near the corridor, I'd much rather have dealt with the strip of Eglinton by my house being unpassable for four to six months, than deal with having every major intersection torn up for six years. It really feels like the congestion is 90% as bad as it would be for cut and cover, so why not go with the shorter lasting disruption?
When we were going into this project, I was thinking that each individual intersection might be torn up for a year or two, before being returned to normal. I never would have dreamed that all the intersections would still be torn up 5 years after heavy construction began.