Johnny Au
Senior Member
Kennedy Station is a few hundred metres away from Kennedy Road as well.It's certainly happened before. Look at Greenwood station.
Easiest thing to do is rename the station, if it's an issue.
Kennedy Station is a few hundred metres away from Kennedy Road as well.It's certainly happened before. Look at Greenwood station.
Easiest thing to do is rename the station, if it's an issue.
I'd think this should location will make for some easy development on the Canadian tire lands. At Caledonia there is not as much land that could be worked with. Again I think the GO station access is vital. Finally with this station being closer to Keele hopefully this stretch will see some major redevelopment as it will have two stations in walking distance of eachother.
I don't think the position of stations should be based on how much redevelopment is possible. Redevelopment is a positive side-effect of a transit line, but it's not the main purpose. Also, there would still be GO access if the station was on the other side of the rail line closer to Caledonia. And surely any positives from having Keele and Caledonia so close together would be cancelled out by the negatives of having Caledonia and Dufferin so far apart.
But in this case, like I said above, I imagine the site was chosen simply because there's a big empty space where they can build the station without disrupting anything. Which I guess is fair enough -- it's not like Caledonia is overflowing with bus passengers anyway.
What about taking over that Honda dealership at the corner of Caledonia and Eglinton! I think its closed anyways as it moved over to Dufferin across from Yorkdale. Thats a much better location and this way the station is more midway between Keele and Dufferin. I cannot believe how these transit people come up with their decisions
What about taking over that Honda dealership at the corner of Caledonia and Eglinton! I think its closed anyways as it moved over to Dufferin across from Yorkdale. Thats a much better location and this way the station is more midway between Keele and Dufferin. I cannot believe how these transit people come up with their decisions
What about taking over that Honda dealership at the corner of Caledonia and Eglinton! I think its closed anyways as it moved over to Dufferin across from Yorkdale. Thats a much better location and this way the station is more midway between Keele and Dufferin. I cannot believe how these transit people come up with their decisions
There is already a Shoppers at Eglnton and Dufferin. Well the government should have taken it over or expropriated it and still could. How many Shopper in less than 1km is needed. It takes about 1 min from Caledonia to Dufferi StThe Shoppers Drug Mart is taking over the dealership building, moving from West Side Mall. Then there's the Rogers Store at the West Side Mall getting out of the video rental business...
Changes coming.
Maybe they'll use a temporary empty store for construction offices.
Vancouver’s Canada Line, which also has a major underground component, also cost about $110-million per kilometre. However, this is a step up from a light-rail system. It is a “mini-metro” – more like a conventional subway in terms of carrying capacity and speed. Moreover, the Canada Line is fully automated and its operating cost is thus much lower than the Seattle system (or the Eglinton line is likely to be).
Unbelievably, the Eglinton line is set to cost more than $250-million per kilometre. There has never been a good explanation as to why it is to cost so much compared with, say, the Canada Line.