Nope, actually that's something that doesn't require a contract or building anything...picking colors is as simple as picking need to wait until the whole line is done before picking the color scheme...they don't even have to wait for the first brochure to be done...or the first 3d fact the color scheme could be picked even before the line was designed or route chosen....
Some would even suggest that the color scheme for Toronto routes was chosen a long time ago...and it was red...and the majority of color scheme decisions since that point were also red...there have been a few times when the government of Ontario has tried to change the color scheme to green or puke green...why they did this is mainly to mark their own territory - not to provide a consistent system or help people from outside of the city understand the system...sometimes even the TTC has chosen to pick weird colors (like blue) - even after the color scheme was for a long time red for no logical reason....this shouldn't prevent anyone though from picking a color scheme early in a process so that everyone stays on the same page...and we don't end up with a line with green vehicles, red stations, and yellow signs...
Dogs have that whole marking territory thing down to a science. The province should emulate them.