City Council -by a margin of 28 in favor to 14 opposed- rejected to follow through with the planning department's recommendation of sticking the Crosstown West LRT on the centre lanes of Eglinton. They will now look to studying alternatives along the stretch.
On a related note, they also rejected Michael (subway, subway, subway) Ford's fantasy of tunneling the whole Crosstown West line.
Are they looking at 100% grade separation, or merely targeted separation at intersections?
^I havent found details out the details on how exactly they will be proceeding, but from what I caught I believe they will be primarily looking at tunneling options with grade separation at intersections.
I'm really nervous about suggestions of "tunnelling". That wording would seem to indicate 100% grade separation, like the central portion of the Crosstown, which is totally unnecessary for the western part of this corridor, and will get really expensive, really fast.