8 per car?
Jaywalking is crossing at a crossing, on red. It is a crime.
Crossing in other locations, such as mid-block (or the far end of the platform) isn't classified as jaywalking and is perfectly legal, as long as there no signs indicating otherwise. And perfectly safe if no cars are about. Not one person has ever been hit by a car, when there were no cars about. Sadly the same is not true for those crossing on a pedestrian signal at an intersection.
(well, almost no person has been hit by a car, when there were none about - there's one or two odd stories about cars flying off of elevated expressways or bridges, and landing on an unfortunate soul - though it cares not whether you are on the sidewalk, or standing in the middle of the road)
Two nitpicks. 1) A violation of the Highway Traffic Act is not, strictly speaking, a criminal offence. 2) Crossing the road on foot in a manner that fails to give right of way to vehicles is a violation of the city's Municipal Code.
- Paul