This must be a candidate for the smallest floor plate in the city in comparison to the building's height.

Shurely the Stinson Speed Stick has that one locked up?

And, as was previously observed, the more I see of this building's finishes, starting with the I-can't-believe-this-isn't-a-cruel-hoax crystal insets, the more I sense we dodged a bullet (a tall, ugly bullet with fins on top) at 1BE.

I'd love to know whether the "crystal" insets were Varacalli's idea, or whether they were shoved down his throat by the client.
They'd have nothing to do with Varacalli, they were the brainchild of the artist behind the public art contribution
Shurely the Stinson Speed Stick has that one locked up?

1KW is super skinny of course, but it's rather long north-south. CrystalBlew, in comparison, is a beanpole (albeit with squared off sides).

And stop caling me Shurley.

Yes, I posted a few pages back an interview with the artist that got the commission. He talks about his "idea" so it would definitely appear that the gashes are the artist's fault and not Varacalli's.
Coming out of the Hudson's Bay Centre from the subway, Crystal Blu (in conjunction with The Uptown) has such an incredible presence and looms over the intersection in a very dramatic way.

It's exciting to see what's happening to this part of Yonge Street/ this intersection. Balmuto Street is going to be like a wall of towers. :O
17 September 2009 photo update

Skinny little Crystal Meth addict it is!

you got a nice view there buddy! you should take a series of shots from north to south and make a panorama! (or ask one of you friends to do it for you!) Can you see Yonge and Eglinton from there?
September 20 2009 update

The 26th floor being poured ... Windows installation begins on the west side

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