Yeah... SOO true!

You'd better get some blinds or else you'll wind up on the internet ;)

I believe all the units are corner units so you'll get descent views on one side... But let's face it... This IS downtown living and Toronto (unlike New York) is lucky to have such spacious city streets... Buildings in N.Y. are SO jam packed close to eachother so on average, you'll be facing another building...

This is happening more so these days... A prime example is Trump Toronto.. Trump probably has the worst case scenario..

Scotia Plaza (only a portion of it) to the east, Bay Adelaide Centre to the north, etc...

You probably get used to it... It's downtown living to the max :cool:
Speaking of farts, the embedded "crystals" with their "modelled" surrounds look disturbingly anal. (It would have been better if they were simply cutouts sans surrounds.)

Oh, and at this point (final product, don't know yet), the curtain wall's looking tinny, like RoCP with all the historicizing gunk stripped off...
This is an another interesting shot from Caltrane.
Perhaps its the perspective, but damn, those buildings look close to each other.
I was up there a couple of months ago, and I can't believe I didn't pick up on this.
Anybody know the exact distance between these two buildings?
Seems to me if you are a resident in either of these facing condos, you want to be careful scratching your private parts, because you are going to have an audience thirty feet away ( or is it less?).

To answer Granny's question ...

Judging by the proximity of the two footprints, it's gonna get real friendly around here in a couple of years. What's the distance between the two towers?

I would not want to be living in Uptown facing south or CrystalBlu facing north ... there is VERY little separation between these towers, yet I continue to be suprised the City allowed full sized windows facing each other from these two towers

To answer the question, based on the final staff report approving the proposal, the tower portions are separated by a mere 15 metres (~50 feet), and the podiums are separated by 7.943 metres.

Just to illustrate the relationship of Uptown and CrystalBlu with the elevations on Balmuto (as derived from staff report)

Some pics of their model...

Agreed that the turquoise is not so hot on its own... but I think it'll add a great splash of colour especially next to Uptown and 1 Bloor...

I agree that CrystalBlu would have really popped and looked a lot better in its context had the colour of the scaled model been applied ... blue or turquoise ~
^Yeah, just what this city needs, another Green/turquoise glass condo!

I'm glad this has turned out the colour it has.
at this location with all GREY buildings, a green/turquoise glass condo may not be a bad thing
anybody knows when this will be completed or ready to move into? Tried calling their office but nobody ever picks up.
Somebody help the poor women in the swimming pool picture, she's fallen and she can't get up.
At first i didn't mind the little cut outs but now, they look out of place and have no relation to the rest of the building. Maybe they'll look good at night lit up.


The windows of Crystal Blu and Uptown are almost identical in colour

Blu Dec. 4th

It looks like Blu is topping off. From Charles St. E. with Uptown on the right.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Great observation.

Blu and Uptown's glass are similar... i guess they finally compromised on something...

Crystal looks good...
When I saw it in person Uptown's glass looked like it had a brown/bronze tinge to it. I'd wait til more of it goes up to judge its colour
