Cheap ass.
Whats wrong with those pics. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Hey, this aint the Ritz, for crying out loud, but it's certainly looks upscale.
The window over the counter/ under the cupboards is unique.
This is nice stuff, especially at these prices.
Go impress everybody with your 'good taste and superior breeding' somewhere else.

Last thing I'd call that kitchen is "cheap".

Best shot of Crystal Blue, ever! :)
CrystalBlu is seeing finishing touches applied to its exterior at the moment, with the ceiling above the entrance being completed, and the columns being clad.


Meanwhile, there is trouble with some of the crystals. Many new buildings suffer some vandalism while under construction, and this happy face stick-figure seems about as benign as vandalism gets (and it will be easy to remove)...


but these two crystals will present a bit more trouble to fix, as both have been hit and cracked. Can the glass inserts be replaced from behind, or will the grout have to be chiselled out from the front?



While the crystals have not garnered universal acceptance on UrbanToronto, we only want the best for Balmuto Street, and that means a CrystalBlu free of deficiencies where it meets the sidewalk. We hope the building's unique namesake decorations will be repaired without marring the stone into which they have been inserted, and that they will no longer be targeted by vandals as the building occupies.

I saw those cracked pieces of glass awhile ago and was wondering how they're going to change them out. It looks like there's a fairly generous grout line running around the glass so they might be able to chip the glass out from the front, get a replacement in, and regrout it without it looking too bad
If you ask me, those cracked blue pieces ("crystals") actually make it look more realistic! I mean, crystals aren't perfect right? :p
Crystal Blu from street level - still not quite finished, although there have been people living there for several months now....

One of the odder recent design conceits - that someone was in the act of liberating the vitreous blue building that apparently lurks beneath the skin of this one by chipping away at the surface, but gave up and moved on to other things - yet the general half-heartedness of said faux vandalism as artistic statement rather suits the building as a whole.
I really hate those crystals.

This could have been a reasonable building - nothing special, but nothing gawdawful either - just middling. But those stupid crystals just make the stone look like crap. certainly is odd looking...
the crystals are okay, it's just the positioning/arrangement that sucks. if you're gonna arrange them randomly, make it look good, but there's no balance here.
