Sorry just a little confused - does this involve demolishing one of the two office towers at Yonge and Bloor?

If you look at post #131 in this thread, you can see how these two towers relate to the existing buildings.

I love it so much I had to quote the picture. Excellent work. Now build it as is. Please spare this one of The Cheapeningâ„¢
Oh you had to get god involved in this, didn't you? :p

I really really like these designs. Very awesome. I love the lines.
From the plans posted earlier, it appears that there will no longer be below-grade retail at the new Cumberland Terrace? From what I can see in the drawings, retail will only be the ground floor and 1 - 2 floors above that. So they'd be filling in the hole currently occupied by the underground (crappy) mall???
From the plans posted earlier, it appears that there will no longer be below-grade retail at the new Cumberland Terrace? From what I can see in the drawings, retail will only be the ground floor and 1 - 2 floors above that. So they'd be filling in the hole currently occupied by the underground (crappy) mall???

I doubt it.. that underground concourse is a vital link in the Yorkville PATH system. The city would never allow it.

Otherwise, this development is epic.
I love it so much I had to quote the picture. Excellent work. Now build it as is. Please spare this one of The Cheapeningâ„¢

At first glance it looks good but I think that it is flawed for these reasons: The HALLMARK of modern design is that form follows function I do not see "form following function" in this design. The Architect chose to vary greatly the length of the balconies from floor to floor so as to create visual interest. While this is great from the standpoint of the observer on the street this stylistic measure compromises the integrity of the design. Also I note that the smaller tower on the east end of the site will almost abut the existing CIBC tower to the south therefore southern exposure from this building will be nonexistent A much better solution would be to build a single MUCH TALLER mid-block tower. Considering that across the street 1 Bloor East is approved at 80 Stories this developer should be able to get AT LEAST a single 70 Story building approved on this site.
Personally I love that this design is a little haphazard, kinda futuristic, NOT a (boring) box.
Perhaps after cheapening the design will be slightly simpler. It wouldn't hurt. It's so busy and random for no apparent function. It makes modernist boxes look graceful.
At first glance it looks good but I think that it is flawed for these reasons: The HALLMARK of modern design is that form follows function I do not see "form following function" in this design. The Architect chose to vary greatly the length of the balconies from floor to floor so as to create visual interest. While this is great from the standpoint of the observer on the street this stylistic measure compromises the integrity of the design.

How in any of this design does form not follow function? Just because a wall or balcony sticks out more or less, or is larger or smaller from floor to floor, those walls and balconies maintain their function no matter what extents have been placed on their form at each floor in this plan. Your interpretation of that maxim strikes me as the most straight-jacketed approach possible, to the point that you do not understand its meaning. Clearly all tall residential buildings would look the same as each other if your understanding were extended to its logical extreme: one can just as easily compare buildings to buildings as floors to floors.

This plan is simply a case of a developer and architect choosing a varied, articulated facade over an undifferentiated one. It's an uncommon aesthetic choice that will result in greater than average divergence on the scheme's success... but those aesthetic choices are not preventing any forms here from following function.

You just don't like the way it looks.

